Leaving| 29

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Taehyung walks like a robot out of the room. It's as though he's not in control of his own movements.

"You look good" Jin says triumphantly. "Although the shirt is pretty big on you"

Taehyung keeps his eyes casted onto the floor and nods his head whilst muttering a quick thank you.

He waits to be scolded, to be shouted at. To be spat on. To be hit. He waits to be told he's unworthy of love, unworthy of living.

But it never comes.

Despite none of these things happening, Taehyung doesn't take his eyes off of the carpet in fear of stepping out of line.

In fear of fear itself.

"Right" Jin says with a clap of his hands.

He watches as the boy Infront of him visibly flinches. His hands retreat to his ears as he tries to make him as small as possible.

Jin watches his eyes screw shut and his body slightly tremble.

Just as quickly as he shot into that position, he's back out of it again.

"Sorry you made me jump" Taehyung says apologetically.

Jin's mouth opens and closes a few times as he tries to stammer any form of sentence together.

"T-thats a-alright" he says almost dazed. "Sorry"

Taehyung shakes his head with a fully convincing smile on his face. The rectangular gleaming smile is presented to Jin, it doesn't waver in the slightest.

"Sorry I was being silly. I'm not used to much noise and my hearing is very sensitive" Taehyung spins him this lie almost effortlessly.

He knows how to pull the strings, how to lie convincingly. Deception always has been his finest art.

Jin doesn't want to buy it. He knows there's something going on. Something rather sinister.

All the signs are there. Numerous red flags.

Taehyung needs help.


And yet he finds himself giving into the lie Taehyung spills from his lips. He finds himself smiling with him. He allows himself to be manipulated by the convincing look.

'he really does look happy. You can't fake that' Jin tries to reason with himself.

'but all the other signs are there' the other part of his mind screams back at him.

However, despite knowing Taehyung can't be as well as he says he is, Jin choses to believe him.

It's easier that way.

"That makes sense" Jin says. "It must be awful having sensitive hearing. Although I do get told that I have sharp senses and instincts"

Taehyung just nods and smiles. His façade staying strong.

Practice makes perfect, and Taehyung's had more than enough practice at it.

"Would you be able to tell me the time?" Taehyung asks of Jin.


He leaves the room but returns shortly after with his phone.

"It's 12:49" Jin reads out.

Taehyung's thankful that he didn't just say that it's 10 to 1. He needs the specifics.

He needs them!

"Ok. I've got 26 minutes to get to school then"

"What part of town are you from?" Jin asks.

Taehyung scoffs.

"It's pretty obvious" he says whilst rolling his eyes.

Despite giving a rude comment to Jin, he's kind of thankful he didn't come to any assumptions.

"Literally the other side of town"

"That will take you well over an hour to walk there" Jin exasperates.

"I guess so" Taehyung mumbles, afraid to say anything louder incase he will be hit.

'i could do with burning off a few extra calories anyway. Sleeping helps to do that and I didn't exactly have the smoothest night's sleep last night' Taehyung thinks to himself.

"Let me drive you. I can also tell your school why you were late" Jin proposes.

Taehyung weighs up the pros and cons. He does need an excuse, plus walking that far won't exactly be fun. But on the other hand, disclosing personal information like where he goes to school could put him in danger...

"Fine" Taehyung sighs. "Yes please"

Jin smiles ear to ear, glad to feel of use to the small boy.

However Taehyung doesn't feel so good. He knows that when he gets home he's in for a whole load of shit and one great big beating.

But enjoying a car ride before that happens he decides he deserves.

It has been a long while since he's been in a car too.

Plus Jin has done nothing but help him so there's no reason to be fearful. He's in safe hands.

'im safe' Taehyung mentally reassures himself 'i can't be in any more danger than walking through the front door of my house'

"Alright let's get going then" Jin says enthusiastically. He just loves to help people, and helping Taehyung will just make his day even better.

However, if Jin knew the hell hole Taehyung would be going back to tonight, he wouldn't ever have let him leave.

Picking up his keys to his range rover, Jin locks up the house behind the two males and leads Taehyung to his car that's parked carefully next to his house.

"It's normally in the garage" Jin says, trying to create small talk "but I was so worried about you that when I got home I didn't put it back"

"Sorry" Taehyung mumbles feeling guilt wave over him like a tsunami.

"Don't be" Jin says.

His intentions weren't to make the boy feel guilty, quite the opposite. He just wanted to fill the silence.

But Taehyung likes the silence. It makes a change from the shouting and crashing of beer bottles. It's rather refreshing having a break.

They both get into the car and Jin starts the drive once putting the location into the sat nav on his phone.

Neither of the males talk, both fearful of saying something wrong.

Taehyung watches the scenery whizz by, soaking in the hues of green trees and burgundy buildings.

Eventually they roll up at the entrance of the school and both clamber out. There appears to be nobody at reception so after thanking Jin, Taehyung slips unnoticed into the building.

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