Father Son Bond| 67

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Later on the next day, Taehyung is discharged from the hospital.

They give him antibiotics for the burn and some scar cream to help it heal better. But everyone knows that he's going to have that scar for life. Its a shame it's such an ugly shape as well.

"How did you do it?" The doctor had asked him. "How did you burn yourself?"

"No idea" Taehyung responded.

"Did someone do this to you?"

"No idea"

"Taehyung please. I need you to work with me here. If you don't then I can't help you"

"Why does it matter if I tell you who did this to me? Its not exactly going to help you give me tablets" Taehyung had sassed back.

"But it could help prevent it from happening again, or to another person"

"It's not going to happen to another person. Trust me on that"

"Does that mean you did it to yourself or asked someone to do that to you?" The doctor pressed on.

Taehyung scoffed.

"As if I'd want this shitty triangle on my arm"

"Come on Tae. Please help the man out. For me" Jungkook asked his boyfriend, squeezing his hand a little tighter.

Taehyung looked between Jungkook and the doctor before sighing and giving in.

"I unwillingly had this done to me. I didn't want them to do it but they did. The pain knocked me out and I can't remember much more than that"

"Who did it to you?" The doctor asked.

"I can't tell you that"

"And why not?"

Taehyung just shook his head.

"Baby" Jungkook whispered. "Please"

But once again Taehyung shook his head. He knew he should tell Jungkook but he equally knew that he can't.

"I'm sorry Kookie. I just can't. I hope you can understand my reasoning"

Jungkook sighed but decided not to have another argument with Taehyung. All Taehyung needed was someone on his side, not even more enemies.

"Can you tell me about the bruises?" The doctor asked.

"They're from the same person. And once again I can't tell you who that is"

"Who are you trying to cover for? Taehyung if they've done this to you, there's no saying what they could do to another person or to you in the future"

"Its my problem!" Taehyung had snapped. "So let me fucking deal with it. I don't need you or your fake sympathy or your knowledge to get through this. I've coped this far on my own so I can cope with the rest on my own"

Taehyung stood up out if bed and grabbed his phone.

"I think I shall be leaving now"

"Taehyung you're not in a fit state to leave. Just let us run a few more tests and then you can go"

Taehyung looked at the doctor warily.

"No more questions right?" Taehyung asked.

"No more questions" the doctor confirmed.

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