Good Boy| 20

326 15 5

He ran like never before into the building. He even ended up leaving his tub of strawberries with Jungkook.

It kind of saddens him as that was his food for the day and he won't be getting anything else later on. It's not like they have anything in the cupboards anyway.

Apparently it will "reduce temptation" if they have no food at all in their home. Or at least that's what Taehyung's mother believes.

But it's not just that he's hungry, actually it's far simpler, Taehyung just really loves strawberries.

Any type of fruit for the matter.

He could quiet easily eat a whole bowl of blackberries. Or a whole plate of melon.


Scrumptious melon that glistens under the lights of the canteen hall. The smell wafting through the air.

Taehyung could quite easily eat that theoretical melon. So he does; but it's real.

As smooth as a snake, he slithers into the queue for food and as he passes the stand, he gently slides the plate up and holds it in one hand.

Despite his thin frame, nobody who works there seems to notice Taehyung's stolen food that he holds behind his body.

So he decides to walk away, keeping the fruit well and truly hidden from any inquisitive eyes.

When he's finally back out of the canteen, he's glad he never had to run into Jimin or Hoseok. He's thankful that they never seemed to notice him.

Although it's not as though he noticed them either.

Taehyung sits down at a desk and starts munching on the healthy treats.

He's going to have to fast tomorrow so today he's making the most of this luxury.

How he wishes life wasn't like this, but when you're so disgusting and fat, you've got to do what you've got to do.

And Taehyung needs to become better; lighter.

Really it's disgusting how much he ate today, but he knows it won't last for long. The calories will be well and truly gone by tomorrow.

Especially if his mother decides to punish him again for over eating.

The melon comes to around 46 calories.
The very few strawberries that he ate comes to around 48 calories.

All together that's 94 calories. And that's 6 calories under his limit for today.

But he knows that unless he has one final strawberry, he's not going to find something else worth 6 calories. And it's not as though he's going to go back to Jungkook to casually ask for his food back.

How absurd that would be.

Taehyung throws away the empty plate and explores the room, subsequently finding out that he's in the music room.

That happens to be his next class, so he's in the right place, allowing him to relax a little bit.

That's until the other kids walk into the class. He knows he won't have Hoseok or Jimin in his class as he remembers that they have dance together when he has music.

Although, this is the first time that he's had music. And he's petrified.

He doesn't have Hoseok or Jimin to hide behind.

'stupid' Taehyung curses to himself. 'im already relying on them. Fuck! This is why I don't grow attached'

Getting to know and like people that he would easily call his friends wasn't part of the deal. The deal he made with himself to just get on with life and leave home as soon as he can.

There's only one thing that's stopping him from leaving home right now, and that reason won't be spoken of.

Not yet.

Taehyung must have spaced out for a while as he's surrounded by many talkative students.

They all have their little friendship groups, all gossiping about the latest drama going on or talking about a new Netflix series.

Nothing interesting.

The teacher enters the classroom and moves to the front of the class.

"Class we have a new student with us. He has been here for a week or so, I believe, but he's new to our class so I expect you be kind and make friends. Mr Kim, please stand up and introduce yourself" she says in a way that sounds as though she's said it countless times.

On shaky legs, Taehyung's whole body trembles as he stands up from the desk in the back of the classroom where he sits alone.

Nobody seemed to notice him before as he's just the quiet kid who hides in the corner, but now all their beady eyes are on him.

Gulping nervously, Taehyung coughs a little to clear his dry throat.

"Um Hi guys. I'm Taehyung and....."

'be a good boy and shut up'

'be a good boy and lose some weight'

'be a good boy and get on your hands and knees for being late'

'be a good boy and throw up your food'

'im a good boy'

'im a good boy'

'im a good boy'

"And I'm a good boy" Taehyung repeats the words that have been beaten into him.

He couldn't help it. His whole mind went blank and then went to a dark place.

His dark past.

His dark present.

His dark future.

It will always be dark until he sees the light. Until he's dead.

A few people in the class burst out into laughter, others snicker whilst the majority don't seem to care. As though they never listened to him.

But what did they have to listen to? Taehyung's a nobody.


Well up until 10 seconds later that is...

A loud bang startles the class as a scruffy boy walks in.

"Sorry I'm late" he mumbles.

Then he looks up to find a seat, subsequently revealing his face. And that's when he knows he screwed up.

As his and Taehyung's eyes lock, he curses under his breath.

"You asshole!"

Taehyung launches up out of his seat sending the chair crashing to the floor violently.

Then he walks up to the male and punches him round the jaw as hard as he can.

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