Paranoid| 60

216 11 4

"Hey Taehyung!" Jungkook shouts. "Wait up!"

Jungkook jogs after Taehyung and when he catches up, he does a little skip and stops next to him.

"Hey" Taehyung says almost as a whisper.

"Hey" Jungkook responds, even though he's already said hi once.

Neither of them say anything on their way home. Jungkook whistles a familiar tune to which Taehyung occasionally hums along to.

"It's been nice to see you without bruises on your face recently" Jungkook says once they're round the corner from his house.

Taehyung coughs awkwardly, not expecting such a statement from the latter.

"Haha yeah I guess I must have been lucky recently as to not run into any trouble"

"When does your dad come back?" Jungkook asks next.

Taehyung eyes him suspiciously and then shrugs.

"No idea"


They reach Jungkook's house.

"Well bye kook" Taehyung says, walking at a brisk pace away from the curious boy.

"Wait Taehyung!" Jungkook stops him.

Taehyung stops and turns round to face Jungkook with his brows creased.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to come for dinner tonight? My mum's cooking pasta and her recipe is to die for"

Taehyung freezes at the offer.




He feels sick.

With home made meals they tend to be healthier than ready meals, however they're harder to track how many calories are in them.

'i can't' Taehyung cries in his mind. 'I've already eaten 481 calories today. How gross'

"I-im sorry Jungkook. Not tonight. B-but another night for sure"

"Oh okay. Is everything alright Taehyung?"

Taehyung nods quickly. Too quickly.

"Y-yeah I just really need to be getting home now"

"Ofcourse yeah. Need a lift?"

Taehyung shakes his head and thanks Jungkook for the offer. Then he walks away as quickly as possible, almost jogging.

He was meant to be home by now.

And he's so scared that the one day that he's home late, that his father will be there.

He hasn't seen him for so long, and he's scared that he's going to slip up and his father will be there to see it. He's petrified of getting in trouble. Getting beaten and hit.

His body isn't used to the pain anymore. He isn't immune to the agony. And he's more scared then ever of if coming back.

He's paranoid.

Especially recently, he doesn't want to get home late incase his father surprises him and turns up at his door.

When he gets home, he expects to see his father's rickety old car in the driveway, expects his father to be standing at the doorway with a bottle of God knows what type of alcohol in his hand.

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