Daegu Boys| 21

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Bone on bone connects together, grinding before separating.

Taehyung glares at the other male harshly. His eyes speaking more venom than his punch.

"Min Yoongi" Taehyung spits.

Just hearing his name from Taehyung's mouth hurts. It really hurts.

"Kim Taehyung" he speaks back in a much quieter and calmer voice.

"I thought you were dead"

"I'm not"

"I thought you were a good person"

"I am-"

"Liar!" Taehyung cuts him off. "You mother fucking liar. You're an asshole"

By now the whole class is staring at the duo, enjoying the drama. Munching on their imaginary popcorn and sipping their imaginary tea.

Nobody was expecting the quiet new kid to suddenly stand up and hit one of the scariest, dominating males in the school.

Maybe from now on Taehyung won't go unnoticed.

"Just because I broke up with you doesn't make me an asshole!"

"YOU JUST LEFT ME!" Taehyung yells.

He takes a deep breath before continuing his side of the story.

"I waited for a month for a call back, a message. Just anything to tell me that you're still ok. But then all I get in return is one cold text and then you blocked me" Taehyung cries out. "I went over my phone bill and wasted so much money trying to speak to you. And you know I'm not exactly rich"

Collective gasps ring around the room when they learn about Yoongi's cold behaviour.

But what's even more shocking is that both of those males are gay. They are exes.

It's strange.

They just both openly came out in the most ironic of ways in such a closed minded society with the rudest of people.

And they haven't even realized it yet!

"What do you mean? I left you a note"

"No you didn't" Taehyung cries. "One day you were there talking with me and the next I don't hear anything from you for a month. I get that we didn't have exactly the most romantic relationship but you really meant alot to me as a person"

Yoongi sighs and ruffles his jet black hair. He has small waves in it showing signs that he was sleeping before this class.

See Taehyung knows him well, and he knows his hair was always straight unless he had been sleeping alot.

It's strange how he still remembers that.

"Taehyung I left you a note and then I left home to come to Seoul. I didn't bring my phone with me or anything. I just got up and left. You know I couldn't stay there for long. You know how hard life was for me" Yoongi tries to reason.

"I don't understand. We knew eachother for years. Everyday we went to the same coffee shop at 11pm getting the same drink everytime. I know everything about you. And you know more about me than anyone in the world-"

"BUT I KNEW HARDLY ANYTHING" now it's Yoongi's turn to shout.

Both boys are relieving their stress and pent up anger by shouting at eachother.

The teachers mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water before she decides on the words she should use to diffuse the situation.

"Now boys-"


Yoongi sighs and ruffles his hair.

"We're getting nowhere here Tae"

"It's Taehyung to you. I don't let strangers call me nicknames" Taehyung spits harshly.

A pang of hurt and guilt hits Yoongi like a truck. That was cold. That was mean.

But maybe he deserves it.

Maybe he shouldn't have given a note.

Maybe he should have told him in person.

Maybe he should have brought his phone.

Maybe he should have said goodbye.

But he didn't.

He gave him that note.

He didn't tell him in person.

He didn't bring his phone.

He never said goodbye!

So now it's his turn to watch Taehyung angrily grab his back pack and sling it over one shoulder. He watches him walk towards him and the door before knocking their shoulders together on exit.

Yoongi allows Taehyung to leave as he doesn't have the audacity to stop him.

Yoongi allows Taehyung to walk out of his life, possibly forever as he did exactly the same to him before.

Taehyung leaves Yoongi left in the classroom full of gawping kids, with a stinging jaw and a broken heart.

It's obvious that Yoongi moved on, but so did Taehyung. Maybe neither them are dating currently, or maybe one of them is, but they both lost the love that they had for one another ages ago.

Even when they were dating they lost their love.

They confused loving eachother as friends and loving eachother romantically.

Ultimately it's an easy thing to do. Especially when you come to rely on one another.

But this is why Taehyung refuses to trust. Everyone will leave him in the end, it's only a matter of time.

He's just thankful that he never told Yoongi about the deamons that go on at home and only about the deamons that lurk in his head.

He's glad he never told him about his eating disorder, or his abusive father.

The only thing he really told him was how depressed he was feeling, and how easy it would be just to jump off of a scaffolding into the sea and just to be forgotten.

'maybe he wouldn't have left me of he knew about my life. But it would just be because he pities me. No it's good that I never let him in. I can't let anyone in'

Yoongi never came around his house. I mean how could he?

His father was constantly home and so was his sick mother.

But he went around Yoongi's house a few times. His mother was lovely. So was his father.

Despite being heavily in dept, their family stuck together because they loved eachother.

But for Taehyung, it just made him realize how alone he really is.

'i can't be loved'

A/n: probably meant to be in a live lesson right now but we updated instead ✌️

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