Brutal| 57

207 13 4

Taehyung goes back to his lesson and sits down next to Jungkook again.

Everyone looks at him, all wanting to know the details but the teacher hits the ruler against the board to grab all their attention.

No more than 5 minutes later, the policeman knock on the door asking for Taehyung again.

"No!" Taehyung snaps. "You have no grounds to take me out of my lesson or touch my stuff"

"We don't care if you have nudes on your phone, we just need to contact your father"

There's sniggers throughout the room.

"FUCK OFF!" Taehyung shouts louder than he'd meant to. "I WONT ALLOW YOU GUYS  TO KEEP FORCING ME INTO SOMETHING I DONT WANT TO DO!"

Jungkook stands up next to Taehyung.

"Leave him alone!"

The police officers look at eachother before looking at the two boys.

"I suggest you calm down before you regret it"

"You don't have a warrant!" Taehyung tells them. "That's a clear violation of the law"

They come close to Taehyung.

"Come with us" he hisses.

"BACK OFF!" Jungkook shouts this time.

They move closer.


"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, you're under arrest for aggravated verbal assault against a police officer" she says.

He grabs Taehyung's arm, making the said male flinch and shove him off of him. This then escalates things.

He goes to grab Taehyung again but once again he's shoved away. Jungkook shoves the hand of the lady off of him, wanting to protect Taehyung.

That's when the officers switch tactics. She pins Jungkook down on the table, and the man grabs his baton, swinging it at Taehyung's face.

"STOP!" Jungkook cries, not wanting to see Taehyung get hurt.

Taehyung spits blood out onto the table, grimacing at the familiar foul taste.

But everyone's surprised that he hardly moved.

The officer repeatedly strikes Taehyung, again and again until the boy is curled up on the floor, crying in pain.

Finally Jungkook's able to yank himself free as he shoves the man off of Taehyung.

The cop strikes Jungkook in the face and then straight in the ribs, however Jungkook recovers quickly.

The female cop tries to grab his arms to hold him back, whilst the other cop tries to pummel his face.

Jungkook does his best to fight them off, but being two on one is a difficult situation.

Eventually he's left no choice, he shoves the female officer harshly away, knocking her over a table, and punches the male officer square in the jaw.

'fuck that hurt' Jungkook thinks. 'no wonder they use batons'

He ducks the officers swing at him and counters back with his own, before swiping his feet from under himself.

Once he's delt with them both, he drops to his knees so that he's leaning over a hardly conscious Taehyung.

"Fuck Taehyung are you ok?" Jungkook asks in worry.

Taehyung looks up at him. His lip is busted and his nose bleeds heavily.

"I'm fine" Taehyung croaks out, although he's anything but fine.

Jungkook looks up at the two, slightly shocked, police officers.


"You're still under arrest" she says, snapping out of her shock at what she and her college have done.

She restrains Jungkook, despite his fights of protest and handcuff him. Due to him wriggling around so much, his wrists are now red raw and bleeding.

The male cop handcuffs Taehyung's hands behind his back although there's no point to it as he's been hit so harshly that there's no way he'd be able to put up a fight.

They're then taken out of the dead silent classroom where, not even the teacher is able to say a word.

Jungkook and Taehyung are hauled into the back of the police car.

Taehyung rests his head on Jungkook's shoulder, and the raven haired kisses the blonde on the forehead.

The kind gesture makes Taehyung smile.

"I've missed you kookie" Taehyung says in a drousy state. "I'm sorry that I told you to go"

"It's okay" Jungkook responds, his heart feeling like it's about to burst out of his chest.

"I'm just glad you're here now"

The ride to the police station feels quicker than it should do.

Down at the station both Jungkook and Taehyung got medical attention for their wounds and once they were patched up, they were sent into different interrogation rooms.

But both males refuse to answer any of their questions without a lawyer present.

The words Jungkook spoke to Taehyung swirl round in his head on repeat.

"dont say a thing to them Taehyung. Just wait until my mum gets here. She and her lawyer friends will get us out of this. But whatever you do, don't answer their questions"

"So Taehyung" a new police officer says. "Did you kill your mother?" She asks, cutting straight to the point.


"Then who did"

"I've already told you"

"So who was it?"

"You can't keep me here for longer than 48 hours" Taehyung says. "unless you're going to charge me for caring about my education"

She's about to say something, when the door opens and in walks a beautiful woman.

She has long black hair that's swept up into the neatest ponytail with the baby hairs hairsprayed off of her face. Her make up is nearly done and nothing exciting has been done with it.

Her blazer is a pastel pink colour with reflects the warmness that radiates off of her, despite her sharply presented demeanor.

She wears shiny black stilettos that draw attention to her presence through the little click they make every time she walks, as if announcing her arrival.

She wears a white button up shirt which has been pressed prestigiously to avoid any wrinkles. It's tucked into a figure hugging black pencil skirt which shows off her figure.

She's beautiful.

"Hello. I'm Mrs Jeon, Taehyung's lawyer. And I'm here to take him home"

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