Family- jonah

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I was fifteen when I had gotten pregnant, I didn't know anything about safe sex, we didn't use a condom and I was t on birth control. We had only done it once and that is that it took.

His name was Christian and he was around for the first two years of our sons life but after he was arrested I told him that unless he fixed himself up I didn't want him around clay.

Once I graduated high school, I went to a community college twice a week and did other class through an online course, while I was in a class I meant this super sweet guy named Jonah.

He would take me out to lunch after class and surprisingly was cool when he found out about clay, once we started dating, I had found a nice part time job and saved enough money to be able to move out of my moms.

Jonah and I had been dating for a year an a half when we moved into a two bedroom apartment, since then we've been together and eventually got married when clay turned 10, Jonah and I had been together for eight years at this point, we had gotten married.

A little while longer and I got pregnant with twins, Clay was beyond excited he was going to have not only one sibling but two.

Nine months later we welcome my two beautiful daughters cara, and Cassidy.

Clay just turned 17 and cara and Cassidy are seven.

"Hey baby" I said to clay as he walked into the house after football practice, "question" he asked and I gave him a look, he was about to speak when Jonah walked in, "hey buddy" he said, clay smiled and hugged him.

"Uhh, nevermind, I got homework" I looked at him weird as he wakes up to his room, "bubba" we heard the twins scream.

"What's up" Jonah asked and I shook my head, he gave me a kiss, "thank you for cooking dinner" I smiled and nodded, "I was home first"

After dinner and finally getting the twins to sleep I walked up to clays room, I knocked and he opened the door, "hey mom" I smiled and walked in, "so, what did you need to ask me earlier" he looked behind me.

"Oh um, I didn't want to ask in front of Jonah, I didn't want to make him feel weird?" I gave him a weird look, "there were some conversations today, since graduation is coming up and all, we had to turn in our photos for the senior video and I saw a picture with my dad in it" he said whispering the "dad" part.

My heart skipped a beat, clays has never wanted to met his dad, he's always had Jonah really and he told me that Jonah's was all he needed.

He didn't want to meet a guy who didn't want to clean up his act enough to keep him.

"Your dad? Really?" He nodded and opened his dresser and pulled the picture out, "can you tell me about him? I just want to know what he was like?" I smiled and sat down beside him on his bed.

"Absolutely." He smiled, "he was the quarterback on the football team but he also played in the band, he played saxophone, he was a total nerd and would read books to me and with me in the park on sunny days."

After church when we would go out to lunch, he brought the girls of my family sunflowers, as a way of saying we were going to have a sunny and bright week" he smiled.

"He has that same dimple, your laugh is the same" he grabbed my hand, "why did he go to jail?" I took a deep breath in, Christian was such a great guy and I never wanted Jonah to think differently but, he wants to know.

"His family wasn't rich, they didn't have a lot of money so when he had gotten the chance to many really great money he took it, he told me that he would get a paycheck every week and I never doubted it because you had diapers and food every week, sometimes a new expensive toy"

"He'd buy me first addition books that he knew I was saving for, he bought his family a house and then I got a call from the county police office telling me he was arrested and going to prison."

"I didn't know what was happening but you started screaming your head off so I couldn't go see him to find out before they moved him, grandma helped me out by watching you while I drove up to the prison"

"I talked to him and he told me he got involved with a small gang that would sell some drugs here and there, well he lied about it being some drugs, it was this huge underground business he got stuck in."

"So he was a drug dealer" I took a breath, "he wasn't ever planning on it clay, he just went in for a regular job and someone saw a light in him" he nodded.

"Do you want to met him?" I asked holding my breath, "I think so" I nodded, "Okay" he smiled, "it's just the twins have Jonah and I see him as a father but he isn't biologically my father" I shook my head cutting him off.

"There is nothing you need to explain, I understand"

I walked into my bedroom and laid down, "he wants to met Christian" I said and Jonah put his book down, "clay?" He asked and I nodded, "I have no clue how I'll get ahold of him" he nodded, "his sister?" He asked and I nodded. "Maybe"

"Hey Kathy it's y/n, I know this is a really awkward question and call but I was wondering if you had spoken to Christian and if there was a way you could pass along a message for me to him?" I said to the voice mail and took a breath.

"Mommy, who's Kathy" cara asked and I turned to the twins, "Kathy is clays aunt" they looked at me weird, "I dont know aunt Kathy" I nodded, "that's because she isn't your aunt"

"Huh?" They asked and I giggled, "Okay, dada isn't clays dad, his dada is someone mommy used to know in high school, and his aunt Kathy isn't your aunt" they nodded, "understand?" I asked and they both shook their head.

My phone rang, I answered it "hello" I asked, "hi y/n, it's Kathy I was calling back. " I took a breath in, "Hey, how are you?" I asked, she was clearly happy "my great, hows clay?" I smiled.

"Amazing, I know this is really crazy but clay wants to met Christian and I haven't spoken to him in more than fifteen years, I was just wondering if you could reach out to him for me, it would be greatly appreciated on both clays and my end."

"I gladly will, he's changed so much, he's sorry" I looked to the twins, "he has nothing to be sorry for Kathy, I told him that. "

After about three or four days Kathy got back to me with his number and soon clay was meeting him. Kathy was right, he was out of anything drugs, "hey y/n" he said as he went to give me a hug, I smiled.

"Uh.. this is my husband, Jonah and my two daughters, cara and Cassidy" he smiled and shook Jonah's hand. "Wow your mom always said you would end up being the one with twins" I nodded.

"This is clay" he smiled, trying to no cry at the sight of his only son, "hi" he said and clay shook his hand. "Mom told me about everything, uh.. that you used to play football and were in the band and everything, I play football" he nodded.

"Yeah, you like books?" Clay nodded, "I have some great books if you'd be interested in reading them?" Christian said and clay nodded.

Jonah and is walked off so the twins could play on the playground, "never told me they look so alike" Jonah said and I giggled.

Clays pov
"Listen clay, I never meant to chose selling drugs over you two, I was in a rough situation and I need the money, while I was in prison and well, since then, I have writing a letter to you every day. Hoping maybe one day you'd read them, I'm sorry"

I took the notebooks he was handing me, "your mother told me when she'd visit that there wasn't anything to apologize for but I couldn't go everyday with out telling you sorry, so I start every letter out with a 'I'm sorry'"

"Christian, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you going to prison it gave me my family, I have my mother, father, and sisters over there" he nodded, "Jonah's good to you all?" I smiled and nodded.

"I wouldn't ask for anyone better, he's my family, he's my father"

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