hickey- zach

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"What's up YouTube today I'm going to be prancing Zach by putting a fake hickey on my neck so like he thinks someone else gave it to me you know" I told my camera as I was putting the 'hickey' on my neck with makeup.

"Zach hates hickeys, they literally gross him out so bad, like i gave him one on his arm once cause we were playing around and the threw up when he saw it, literally threw up" I said and giggled, I finished the hickey.

"Zach's on his way over now, I told him that I was vlogging today so he isn't going to think it's weird or anything that I have the camera out but, let's hope this doesn't backfire".

"Hi baby" I saw and pointed the camera at Zach as we walked to his car, "hi love" he said giving me a kiss, "so guys we are going to eat, Friday is our anniversary but I have a game so we are celebrating today" he nodded and we got in the car.

Once we got to the restaurant I sat on the opposite side and set the camera to where it could see both of us. I flipped my hair back and Zach looked at my neck, "what" I asked as he shook his head and the waiter came over and took our orders.

"Babe, let me see your neck" I showed the side of my neck that didn't have the fake hickey on it and he told me to flip the hair on the other side back.

"The fuck is that" he asked and I looked at him weird, "literally what" he gagged a little as he looked at it again, "Babe is that a fucking hickey" I gave him a weird look and pulled my phone camera to look at it.

"No zach, yesterday I straighten my hair and it burnt me" he shook his head, "nah, you had your hair in a bun yesterday, that's a fucking hickey" he gagged again and got up.

He walked to the bathroom to more that likely get sick, I gave the camera a look, "as you can tell, he just went to get sick" when he finally came back the food was there, "we need to take it to go" I gave him a weird look.

"Babe-" he shook his head, "cover that hickey up and don't ever call me that again, how are you gonna cheat on my a few days before on two year anniversary, that doesn't make any sense"

"Zach I told you, it's a straightener burn" he shook his head, "I've seen a burn and that's a damn hickey" I laughed a little and he looked at me weird, "what's funny, literally nothing is" I shook my head.

"This isn't a hickey" he rolled his eyes, "Listen I just got sick twice and if you don't cover it up imma get sick again, it's a hickey, you cheated, we're done" I shook my head.

"It's not I swear" he gave me a look, "then what the hell is it y/n" he asked getting pissed, "makeup, look I can show you, it's a prank I recorded me putting it on" he rolled his eyes.

"That's not funny, I literally was throwing up y/n" I nodded "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was dark enough to make it look like a real hickey, I didn't think you'd throw up" he shook his head.

"I'm not even hungry any more"

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