Not enough-zach

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"Sorry that I think I'm not enough" I said and Zach held me, "why do you think this" I shrugged "because you need so much better, I'm damaged goods" he kissed me "damaged goods is just what girls say when they are scared to trust" I looked up at him.

"It's hard to trust when the one person that you're meant to count on and trust without question, isn't the person you think they are and you find out that can't even trust them" he gave me a look, "is this about your father?" I nodded slowly.

"Wanna talk about him" I shrugged, "there isn't much to tell, I grew up my whole life with him fighting with my mother, hitting her and us taking care of her when she got hurt badly from him"

"Him drinking his life away, not knowing what had happened when he woke up in the morning, there was times I would hid under my bed from him, scared he would hit me like he hit my mother, worried that she would be getting hit and hurt again later that night" Zach kissed my head.

"Did he ever.. um hit you" I nodded, "once or twice, nothing serious" he balled his fists, "he wasn't swing for me, I was trying to help my mom" he took a deep breath, "i would go to school on twenty minutes of sleep because my parents would be fighting all night"

"I was scared to go to school because I sucked in class, I couldn't focus and I was worried about my mom all the time if I started failing my classes, my dad would spank me every night because of it, I'd get yelled at"

"I never got it as bad as my other siblings, but it was still really bad" he held my hand as he saw I was shaking for reliving the bad memories of my father.

"There wasn't a time he didn't ruin by drinking, even if we were at dinner, he had to have a beer and he would get to drunk for us to have any fun. I spend a ton of my childhood either outside or in my room with the door locked and music blasting"

"I think I quit trusting him when we all sat down and asked him the fourth or fifth time to go to rehab and stop drinking but he didn't" I shrugged, "he couldn't even give up beer for his own children, he didn't want us and he made sure that we knew that"

"Then, all of a sudden we move away and leave it and its suddenly he wants us as a family again and he loves us, but never will he go to rehab and that's all we wanted" Zach nodded and kissed me.

"Don't ever think I'll be like him, because I love you, like a lot" I giggled and cuddled into him "I love you too Zach"

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