I cant drop my life for you -daniel

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"Daniel babe I get it, you and all the guys girlfriends are there but I have so much to do babe okay, I can't come to Hawaii" I told daniel over the phone and I could hear him sigh.

"I just miss you so much, we really didn't get to see each other" I giggled, "we saw each other for like two weeks"

"But two week isn't enough, I just wish we were together and I mean you only have three more days of classes you can come after that right?" I took a deep breath knowing I had to say no to Daniel again about joining him in Hawaii.

"No I can't Daniel" and he did exactly what I thought he was going to do, he stopped talking? I hated this. "Why" he asked finally "what?" I asked.

"Why can't you come, what's stopping you, you don't have to work since you intern only during school, you can come after you finish like Christina is. If it's money I'm paying for it" he said, clearly pissed off.

"Daniel I have meetings in the next few weeks and I don't feel like going on a long ass plane ride to turn around to do it again just to get back here in time for it. Or let's not forget that I moved out of state for college and only get to see my family during holidays when I have time to go see them" I shot back.

"You have all summer to see your family and you can reschedule the meetings, I won't get to see you till then end of the summer tour not even, after you get off of vacation with your family which is like a few days before you leave to go back to college"

"Daniel I can't drop my life for you" I could picture him rolling his eyes, "whatever y/n"

"Daniel" I said, "no y/n, I'm fine ill stay in Hawaii with all the guys and their girlfriends and worry every night about you because I know that you stress over school." I rolled my eyes and checked the time.

"I have to go to class" he laughed, "right, I'll let you get to your life" he said and then hung up, "I love you too" I said even through he hung up.

After class, Daniel has not texted me or anything, I went back to dorm and laid down. I started crying, Daniel and I don't fight like this, ever. I get his point that we don't see each other but he also needs to understand that I have school, and meetings help me pay my bills so I can't just reschedule them for his life when I have one of my own.

After I finished having my breakdown I got up and took a shower, I ate and then I got all my school stuff out to study, I wasn't in the mood but I really needed to study for my last final tomorrow.

After, I FaceTimed Daniel But it rang once and he hung up, I rolled my eyes and decided just to go to bed.

After class I went to my dorm and finished packing up all my stuff, not that I had a ton, Daniel texted my literally just an "Love you" this morning and I haven't said anything.

We normally don't ever fight like this, I decided that I was going to try and FaceTime him again and when he finally answered I was pissed.

"You don't get to ignore me all day because we got in a stupid fight. You have to understand Daniel I'm not the other guys girlfriends I'm yours, I can't come down to Hawaii and I'm sorry but I can't drop my life and I'm not going to" he nodded.

"I know" he walked farther in the place he was staying in probably to get away from all the guys and his family, "no you don't, every time this happens it's the same stupid fight but this is suddenly worst, I get it daniel you're pissed I can't come, so am I but I made plans before you asked me come and I stick to my plans"

"I get it babe, I just wanted us to be together, I'm sorry" I nodded, "you should be" he nodded, "i just miss you is all" I frowned "I know, how about when you get off the summer tour you and I can take a vacation of our own, wherever you want for three weeks"

"What about your family vacation?" I shook my head "my mom and dad want to have it in a few weeks" he smiled and nodded "okay?" I asked and he smiled even wider "Okay" he said.

"I love you" he said "you better" I said causing him to laugh.

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