abortion -Zach

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"WE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO KNOW YOU WENT AND DID THAT" Zach yelled at our daughter as she looked to the ground, I took a sip of my coffee and nodded along with Zach, "I don't blame you babe, I've been where you were and I understand why you did it. There isn't any thing to be shame about, your dad and I just wished you had come to us" Zach looked at me

"I'm sorry, you've been in this situation" I looked at Zach giving him a face to drop it, "go to your room, we'll talk in the morning" she looked and headed to her room.

"When were you in the situation of an abortion" I looked at Zach as I dragged my finger along side of the cup, "it was awhile ago and I'm not in a mood to talk about it" he nodded.

"When" I looked at him a sip my coffee again, "third year of high school" he nodded as he rolled his eyes, "we got together your second year" I nodded.

"I know" he laughed, "you didn't tell me you were pregnant" I nodded, "I didn't have to" he looked and me and gave me a disgusting face.

"If it's mine I think you should" I nodded, "you would have wanted to keep it, I knew what I wanted to do with it the moment I found out" I stood up and walked over to him and he walked away, "Zach" he shook his head.

"You can't be mad at me" he looked away from me, "I can and I am, there's nothing you can do about it, I had a right to know and an opinion in it, it was mine" he stormed off to our room as I drank the rest of my coffee.

My alarm going off pulled me to look away from the window, "mom" Meredith asked as I wiped my tears and looked at her, "hey baby, I was just getting ready for work, you should be asleep" she nodded and sat by me.

"Do you regret doing it" I nodded slowly "sometimes, but I wasn't ready and if you really felt you weren't either there is no shame in what happen Okay" she nodded and smiled.

Zach walked down the steps, "you should be leaving for work" I nodded and got my stuff, "that I should".


Zach came and ate lunch with me, "tell me why you weren't ready" I looked at him and took a deep breath, "I was 16, and scared" he nodded "she is 16 and scared" he gave me a look, "there would have been a ton of help y/n and I understand you were scared but we could have done it" I grabbed his hand.

"I was 16 and scared do you really think that you helping me was going through my mind when I saw positive, no it wasn't okay.. what was is that you were going to leave me, my parents were going to kick me out, I was going to be alone and forced to work as a stripper or something" he laughed and shook his head.

"I wouldn't have let you become a stripper, the only person you'll ever strip for is me and I loved you then and I love you now, I'd never leave you over a baby" I nodded and smiled "I know that now" he kissed me.

"You can't be mad at Meredith okay, you know he wouldn't have stayed around, and beside she's in love with Derek" he gave me a look
"Derek as in jack's and Gabbie's kid" I nodded and smiled.

He laughed a little as I took a bite of my food "Derek got her pregnant" I choked on my food as I gave him a weird look "What?"

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