our daughter -Jack

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"You ready to go princess" I asked my four year old daughter, princess she was getting ready or I was helping her get ready to go to her fathers, jack and I didn't really work out after high school.

When she turned 1 we decided it wasn't best for her for us to stay together and over the past three years we have worked on getting to be friends.

I got pregnant with her my last year of school and we have been dating for only a few months at that time but he didn't back down or leave me.

Once we had her we were just fighting a lot and it got to the point where all we were doing was fighting and fucking, I grew up with parents like that and I knew that's not how I wanted my kids to grow up so we decided it was best if we left it at that.

Princess was too young and still is to understand why we aren't together but she doesn't really mind it all too much.


"Dada" princess yelled jumping into jack's arms as I grabbed her bags out of my car and help set the car seat up in his, "Okay princess you gonna be alright" she nodded "a whole week with dada" she said and I laughed.

"Thank you y/n" I smiled at jack, "she's your kid also, no need for only one of us to have her all the time" he laughed and nodded as he gave me a side hug and they left.

I sat in my car and let out a sigh, I started to drive home as my phone rang, it was hook to the Bluetooth so I answered it, "hey beautiful" my boyfriend said.

I haven't told princess or jack about my boyfriend, I really didn't want them to act out in a negative way about it. I don't know how jack would be comfortable with another guy around his kid, "hey tanner" I said as I smiled.

"Tonight, you wanna to go to dinner" I laughed, "I'd love too, text me the time" he giggled a little, "Absolutely beautiful" he hung up as I got home.


A week later I went to pick up princess at jack's house, I also wanted to talk to jack about how he felt me slowly bringing tanner into her life, I mean he's great and he makes me happy, he's also been asking for a while to met her.

"Hey y/n" jack said opening the door, "princess is getting her bag" he said as I watched her put her backpack of clothes and her other of her schools stuff over her shoulder and arm.

I laughed and nodded, "could I talk to you" he nodded as we sat on his couch, "what's up" he asked as princess smiled. "Can you go play" I asked her and she nodded, "Okay.. princess can't know" I shook my head.

"I wanted to ask how you feel about me bringing my boyfriend around princess, she doesn't know about him and we've been going out for a couple of months now, he's a really great guy" he nodded.

"I wouldn't mind, just as long as she doesn't start calling him dada I'm fine" I smiled and nodded, I gave him a huge hug but it got awkward fast as we both held on for too long.

It's like I didn't want to leave his arms.

A few weeks later I was getting princess ready for her weekend with her day, she had seen tanner four times and she really liked him, I was happy but jack on the other hand was kinda.. jealous

Months go by and I thought tanner and I were serious, he had given me a key to his apartment and when I went over to make dinner for me him and princess before I had to pick her up from jack's.

He was sleeping with another woman, my tears rolled down as he saw me, I threw his key down and left, I cleaned myself up the best I could before I went to jack's but he caught on that something was off.

He had princess go play, "what's up" he asked as I shook my head trying my hardest not to cry, "nothing" I said as my voice broke and a tear fell down my cheek

"You wouldn't be crying if it was nothing" he pulled me into his chest and I lost it, "he cheated on me" I said as he held me closer, when he pulled me away from his chest to wipe my tears he kissed me.

And I melted into it, that was until we heard a scream and look to see princess coving her eyes.


We didn't talk about it, not a single word and now it brings us to now, dinner with princess but she was off playing in her room and jack was helping me clean.

"We should talk about it" I shook my head, "I don't think we need too" he nodded as he walked closer to me and I tried to walk back but the counter was in my way.

"I wanna do it again, so I think we should talk" I nodded as I looked down to his lips, he slowly moved in as did I and our lips connected. "Jack" he put his finger over his lip, "let it happen, please" I nodded slowly.

Well it obviously didn't happen, but it did over and over again for the next three years, it was crazy but we didn't know what to say about it.

I kinda love him again, or did I ever stop?


Princess was seven when she asked what dada and I were doing, were we boyfriend and girlfriend or we were friends and I didn't know what to say.

She asked jack the same, and he didn't know either well I mean, he kinda did

"I think me and your mom and finding that out ourselves"

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