Scared -janiel

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"Jonah I don't want to talk about this right now, the guys are over there" Daniel said as he fixed his in-ears "we are dating Daniel, you cannot just blow me off every time I tell you I want to tell them"

"I'm tired of hiding this" he rolled his eyes "I'm not ready, they know you are gay but they don't know about me, I'm not trying to tell the whole world" he walked off to get ready next to jack.

I rolled my eyes and stormed out, "Jonah" Zach called after me, I stopped in the green room and knocked a few things over, "fucking stupid ugh" I said while laying on the couch "what are you doing, making a mess like this"

Daniel walked in and pushed the rest of the guys out, "what is wrong with you" he said "you know what is" he shook his head "you knew I didn't want this public, even to our friends" he said whispering.

"Why are you whispering" he rolled his eyes and pointed to the door "their listening because after you storm off I also follow you to calm you down, they can't calm you down, they want to know how I do it" "well maybe they should suck my dick and they would be on the same level as you huh?"

"Will you stop, I love you Jonah" I shook my head "if you loved me then you would want to come out to at least our friends" he rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room, I laid back on the couch and took a deep breath "dude we got- what's wrong" corbyn said as he shut the door.

"Nothing, at least nothing I can talk about" he gave me a look "Okay, hypothetically?" He asked and sat next to me, "hypothetical okay ,I'm dating someone, we all know him and he hasn't came out, I want him to come out to close friends so they know I'm dating him and he's mad"

"Okay, maybe respect that he doesn't want too" I shook my head "it's been almost two years and I'm tired of jumping back when we see someone walk into the room and claiming we only live together because we are bandmates"

"Daniel" I looked at him weird "what" I asked, "Daniels gay" I shook my head "no, shut up" he laughed "well I kinda woke up one night and hear Daniel and you moaning, I've known you guys had a little thing for a while"

"When" I asked "a feed ago while we were on the bus, he's very vocal" I laughed, "we better get out there now" he giggled and nodded.

Daniel froze when he saw corbyn and I walking out laughing, he knew I had a slight crush on corbyn when we all first started hanging out and there are times where he gets really jealous with us hanging out.

Daniel walked over to us and I kept my eyes down, "jo, look at me" I looked up at him and he did the unexpected, he kissed me in front of everyone.

"There, I came out, I love you" I smiled and kissed him again "I love you too" he smiled "fucking finally, you guys know aren't quite at all" Zach said "wait a second who's heard us on the bus" "all of us" jack said.

"We were waiting for both of you too tell us before we came to you guy" Zach said "told you they wouldn't care"

Why don't we imagines book twoΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα