best friends -Jack

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"Come on, we are best friends we should be comfortable around each other" I nodded as jack spoke "but I don't want to tell you how having me have sex tonight went" he laughed.

"Well it's just a question, and I always tell you how mine goes" I shook my head and laughed, "yeah and I never ask, you just tell me" he nodded "because you always have that look of wonder on your face"

"Fine, you wanna know how it went? It didn't okay!" I said finally giving in, "what do you mean it didn't" he asked as he popped a chip in his mouth, "I mean he finished and well, I didn't" he looked at me weird

"Well then let me help you out" it was now my turn to give him a weird look, "what do you mean" I asked and he giggled a little, "I mean let me make you cum, come on it sucks when I don't get to cum and plus you gave me a blow Job that one time" I nodded

"Yes but I was learning, you were teaching me how to give a blow job" he nodded, "still make me cum, so let me make you" I giggled but stopped when I realized this really wasn't some joke he was playing.

"Come on, we don't even have to fuck" I thought about it while he gave me that stupid smirk that he did, "fine, but no fucking" I said and he nodded.

He sat closer to me on the bed and placed his hand on my thigh, it slowly going closer to the bottom of my skirt while his lips got closer to mine, I could feel the heat rush to my area.

His grip got tighter, but not too tight as he kissed me "good" I nodded and I felt the pad of his thumb press against my clit and I moaned into the kiss.

The pulled the top of my underwear but didn't pull them all the way down, "still okay with this" I nodded but he didn't continue "words" he said and I took a small inhale of breath.

"I'm good with this" I said and he smiled, he pulled my underwear down and kissed me, his thumb rubbed my clit and two fingers slipped into me.

His fingers curled and they hit my g-spot instantly causing me to moan, his kissed went down my jaw and one of my hands were around his neck, holding onto his should, and the other was gripping the pillow beside me.

After a what felt like an hour of ya just making out, and me cutting them short by moaning when his fingers would thrust deeper inside of me.

I clenched around his fingers and came, his hand that was holding my lower back for support let go and I fell back to lay on my bed, i caught my breath and watched as he sucked my juices off his fingers.

"Glad that I could be if service" I rolled my eyes and laughed at his cocky- ness

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