gone but never forgotten -Jack

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"Peyton I really don't want to leave you for two months, you know I won't be able to check in on you and with you being sick and stuff it just really isn't what I want to happen" I gave him a faint smile.

It's all I really could give him right now, "I know jack but I'll be fine, just go and have fun" he nodded and kissed my cheek.

After he left a couple of hours later my doctors had rushed in on a code blue call, meaning I had coded and my heart stopped beating.

"Time of death 11:56pm" my night nurse cringed at the words due to the fact I had been in his so long and we grew so close to each other. She took a deep breath and look over to the heart monitor and turned it off so no one could hear the dial tone any longer.

They called my parents and told them but not one person thought about finding jack to tell him, my parents couldn't bring them self to even try and find a way to tell him.

He'll find out soon, when he's back from his trip that he so desperately didn't want to go on but I forced him too, I didn't want him to see me like this anymore and I knew my dads were numbered.


Jack's POV

"Cheer up dude, you're going to see you're Peyton" I smiled small at a friend, Daniel "yeah but I've just had this feeling since I left that something happened, I'm more nervous to see her now" he nodded.

"I'm sure everything's fine" I nodded as I got on the bus and we headed to the airport, I'm really excited to see Peyton and I wonder if maybe she got any better.

Once we landed off of the plane they gave us our phones back and I quickly turned my on, I walked to the gate that my mom and I planned out we would meet at.

Not seeing her or her car I quickly dialed her number, "Hey baby" she answered in the first ring "just landed, you here momma" I heard her laugh a little "yes, I see you" I looked around and hung up when I saw her car.

I walked over there and hugged her and my sisters that had came with her "we missed you jacko" Sydney said and I nodded "you guys have no clue" I said laughing as we piled into the car.

"So you mind if I go see Peyton" I asked and everybody face fell sad, and it got really quite big I didn't notice "I just missed her and I know you wanted me to be straight home but I just wanna see her fa-"

"You didn't tell him" Ava said to my mom cutting off my sentence "tell me what" I asked as Sydney let a tear fall down her cheek "Peyton passed away the night you left"

My world stopped, it just shattered into a million pieces and suddenly I felt my tears on my cheeks "what?" I ask as my voice cracked, "why wasn't I told" I asked looked up.

"I didn't think writing it in a note was the best thing for you to read, especially with how much fun you were having" I shook my head "why did I leave" I asked as I placed my head in my hands and started sobbing.

Sydney hugged me the best she could die to the fact of us being in the car and all, "she wanted you to leave, she didn't want you to see her in pain anymore and jack she loved you so much" I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have left"


It's been a few days and I finally brought myself to go and see her parents, I haven't left my bed but I needed to see them and see how they were doing.

Once I got there they were a mess, "hi" I said as her mom answered the door, "jack sweetie" was all she said and she pulled me into a hugged.

"I'm so sorry" I said as I held her tight, "it's okay".

After a few minutes we stopped having our little crying session and her dad walked over "Hey jack" he said, he looked broken but better than her mom.

"Um.. Peyton wanted you to have these jack um... we were waiting till you got back to give them to you. We aren't allowed to know what they say but she told us it was important you had them" I nodded and took the letters.


I got home and went to my room not answering anyone questions, "when do you thank he'll be better momma" isla asked, "I don't know baby".

Dear jack,

The worst day of ours lives have come, I'm dead and I know you're sad but baby please don't hide in your room, talk to Sydney or your mom.

I wrote these to tell you that I love you and each little note is a moment in our life that we both loved so much, I wish we had more together but we didn't and that's okay.

You are my first and only love, my one true love and I want you to know I'm won't be you're only love! These letters are for when you miss me, I love you jack and I'm sorry that you had to see me so sick.

Your one true love,
Peyton ♥️

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