style me -Corbyn

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"So this week for my video, I'm going to be letting corbyn style me, he staying this week and since I have class literally all week but Tuesday and Wednesday he's gonna dress me"

He smiled and kissed me "you better do good" he nodded "actually can we go shopping for like two things" I slowly nodded "yes" I said, "it's not a ton I promise" he said taking my hand and pulling me closer to him.


"Good morning baby" I said as I grabbed my camera and woke up corbyn, it was only 9:45 and my class didn't start till 11:30 so it was time for me to get ready.

"I'm going to shower while he is picking out my outfit today, babe keep in mind I literally only have this class today" he nodded as he pulled on a shirt and fixed his hair before he was on camera.

I went and showered and then put on my robe, walking into my room to see that corbyn wasn't in there, I looked around for a second till he walked out of my clothes holding my yeezes that he got me for my birthday.

"Did it rain last night" I shook my head and he nodded, he walked over to me and gave me a kiss "morning beautiful" I smiled and set up the camera, turning it on.

We both sat down and I smiled, "okay clothes" I said holding out my hands as he giggled "I know you said you only have one class so I went simple" I nodded as he walked over to my bed where he had laid my clothes out.

He handed me a pair of black skinny jeans, a black turtle neck crop top, with my necklace that has my first names initial on it and one that hung down longer that was a cross. He handed me some no show black ankle socks and my black yeezes "Okay, all black" he laughed and nodded.

"You actually don't wear a lot of black babe, I was looking and you have a lot of different pinks and yellows, just a bunch of color" I laughed and nodded "when I was younger I was told I looked bad in black" he shook his head "you look amazing in everything" I kissed him.

"Oh one more thing" he walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a little bag, "I got you this in London" I smiled and opened it, it was a ring with a 'C.B' on it. I kissed him and put it on "it's amazing I love it, as much as I love you"

He pulled me into a hug, "get dressed baby, you're gonna be late"


I sat in front of the camera and gave a fake smile, today I had an 8:00 am and told corbyn to pick my clothes out before we went to bed, I didn't want him to have to wake up at 6:00 just to give me clothes.

"So I have to be quite, corbyns asleep" I said moving the camera so it could see corbyn sleeping on then bed all sprawled out, I giggled when I heard him snore.

"He wouldn't let me see what he picked out till this morning, he left it hanging on the side of the closest where I keep my jackets. I walked in and giggled.

"Okay so this is his shirt" I said holding up one of his NASA shirts that I always tell him I'm going to get one so we can be matching, and them pulled out some white joggers "Okay corbyn, I said cute lazy not lazy lazy"

I shook my head, looking over to my vanity seeing the shoes he picked out for me, "of course Nike airs"


"Good mornin- afternoon" I said sitting down, corbyn was in my closet picking out my clothes "babe did you like what I picked out for you yesterday" I smiled and nodded "I thought you looked good" I giggled at him.

He handed me a pair of light washed boyfriend jeans and I smiled, "okay, don't normally wear these but I like them, is this what you got Sunday night" he nodded and walked back out with a black tank top and an oversized flannel.

The flannel was a blueish green color, "ohh" I said as I took it from him, him going back into the closest to find shoes, walking out with doc martens "you never wear these" I shook my head "I did last week"


"Date night" I said and sat down next to corbyn, he giggled and smiled at me "I have the best outfit" I smiled and kissed him "good because we are going to a really fancy restaurant" he giggled and nodded.

He got up and walked over to the bag that's been sitting by his suitcase all week, "I got this also in London for you when I went shopping" I smiled "awe baby, you seriously didn't have to" he smiled "but I did".

He pulled out this beautiful pink silky dress that went down mid-thigh "oh my this is so beautiful corbyn" he held up his finger and pulled out a box out of this bag.

"I didn't think that you would have pink heels this color so, I got you some" he said pulling them out "baby, this is gorgeous" he smiled and kissed me "just like you are"

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