Hosu City [29]

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"I see you finally have the proper attire on."

"No thanks to your son." I grumble, mourning In my mind over my destroyed school uniform. However, I wasn't to worked up about it as I had gotten changed into my hero costume.

"Speaking of my son. Seeing as you chose this agency, I assume you're ready to walk down the path of the mighty." He smirked in satisfaction making me quirk a brow as I looked between the two. Must be some relative human issue thing.

'And you'd know...'

My subconscious whispered back to me causing my eyes to narrow slightly at what the thought was referencing to. Suddenly an image of a certain man slowly appeared in place of Endeavor.

"My men tell me you've been more compliant Hana?"

"As a reward we'll be moving you in with your mother whom will be your caretaker."

No...As fast as the memory came, it disappeared as I turned my head slightly keeping my expression calm and bored. There was no way, mine and this humans situations were anything close to one another's.


My lazy cyan eyes shift to meet the pro heroes stern orbs as he had a flaming eyebrow raised. "Did you hear me girl?"

"No, quite frankly I have no clue what either of you are talking about." I bluntly answered causing the man's jaw to tighten as he stared at the ill mannered girl. Shoto couldn't help the twitch of his lips at the girls answer. Least she was honest. It was after all what his father had wanted. An honest strong candidate. However, he also wanted someone who was compliant and naive. Someone who would accept his offer without a second thought. However, Shoto knew his father was way over his head with Fumetsu. The girl was anything but naive and compliant. He had no doubt that she'd refuse the offer because of one thing. The only thing that's reassuring him that his father would not win this one. Bakugou.

"I said what do you know about quirk marriages?"

I blinked in confusion at the odd question. "Something like when two humans with quirks get married?" I answered scratching the back of my head. Endeavor deadpanned at the stupid answer, his irritated eyes flitting to his sons slightly amused orbs. "It's when specific mates are chosen with the sole purpose of enhancing a specific quirk or bloodline." Shoto answered stoically.

I blinked in boredom not seeing what relevance this has to me and simply nodded to show I understood.

"Since it is unknown as to who your guardian is, I must ask you directly about such trivial matters." Endeavor started. Clasping his hands on his desk, he leaned forward with cocky eyes as if whatever he was about to say I was gonna be on board.

"Before we head out, I'd like to know how would you feel about getting married to my son?"

It took me a few moments to register his words in my brain before I side glanced at Shoto in confusion. He simply gave me the side eye back . Now I wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box but if I'd known any better, I'd say the dual haired male was betting his soul on me having the wrong answer to his fathers question. In fact, he seemed almost as bored with the question as I was. But...you see...a small mischievous smirk graced my lips.

Shoto tensed at the look. If there was anything he knew within the time span he had been in the same class as the girl; it was that when she gave you that look...She was about to do the exact opposite of what you wanted.

Giving the boy I good once over, the male stiffly stared forward as if he was prey and I was the predator. "Ne I actually wouldn't mind."

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