One v. One Battles [23]

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After lunch had commenced I waited idly in the stands for the third part of the event to start: the fights. This was the event where it was all or nothing. I had to win, no matter what. Even if it meant putting one or two people in the hospital. Soon my name was called for the first battle.


I stood still, bringing my hand up to my take hold of my scarf. The boy tensed at the motion having seen what the girl could do with the harmless fabric.

"Come on Fumetsu! I thought class 1-A were fearless? Don't tell me you need a measly scarf just to take me do-"

"You talk a lot." I interrupted loosening my scarf causing his jaw to clench. "Tch just as I expected! You class A students think you're better then us! Big mistake!" My ears twitch at the sound of feet approaching me, eyes shifting up to see his crazed glowing red eyes.


Aizawa watched as the girl slowly removed her scarf and dropped it to the side casting aside her weapon. "It's not his, it's hers." Aizawa commented as the students perked up. The mystery girl had indeed gotten second place in the obstacle race and managed to defeat a whole team in the Calvary battle with nothing but a mere scarf and was practically her teams shield. It was no secret that majority were curious as to what the girls quirk actually was. Memories of himself teaching the a younger version of the girl flashed through his mind.

"I can't do it! How am I supposed to defeat you if you're bigger then me!"

"There's always gonna be somebody bigger and better then you kid. Its how they fall that matters because, the bigger they are..."

"The harder they fall..."

Time slowed as the boy neared, aiming for my face with his right fist. His eyes widened as I diverted his slow hand and took hold of his wrist. Poising my feet, I yank him forward and fist the back of his shirt. Using his own build and momentum against him, his body lift and flips over my shoulder slamming into the ground. The crowds jaws dropped at the familiar move and gasps sounded as cracks littered the ground underneath the boy.

"Isn't that the same move Midoriya used on you and Shinsou!?" Sero pointed out.

"Isn't that the same move Midoriya used on you and Shinsou!?" Sero pointed out

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"She's the one who taught the twerp the damn move."

Kaminari's eyes widened at the revelation. "Wait!? She's the one who taught Midoriya how to fight?!" Bakugou stayed quiet growing more irritated at the interrogating on the damn girl.
Kirishima decided to answer for the boy, his eyes snapping back to battle as the girl slowly began walking to the side of the boy. He didn't know much about the girl but he knew one thing.

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