Man In Black

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"Dad, please stop.. I-I'll do anything, please stop..!" I whimpered

"You're not my fucking son!" He growled, slamming me to the wall.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I just stared at the floor, shame in my heart and tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry... I-I shouldn't have been with him, I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me!" I sobbed

"Shut up. Stop crying, men don't cry!Only fags cry, are you a fag?"


"Then stop acting like one!!"

"Y-Yes, sir.."

"If I catch you with him again, it'll be a hell of a lot worse than this. You'll regret ever opening your mouth. This is a picnic compared to what you'll get."

"I'm so sorry!!"

"Stop crying!" He shouted, slapping me across the face

I nodded and tried to stop my crying.

"Tell me what you said to him. Everything."

"I-I don't remember!!"

"Tell me! And don't you dare try to lie to me, boy"

"...w-we just talked! He said he liked m-my smile, and we just talked! W-We have the same way home, so we talked!! I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have done it!!"

"He's trying to hurt you. He has a disease. And he's trying to pull you in, but you won't let him do that!"

"I won't!! I-I promise!!"

"Did you encourage him!?"

"I-I said I liked his too! I was just reciprocating, it didn't mean anything!! I-I just said it because he did!"

"You idiot!!"

"Please.. I'm so sorry..."

"You're lying to me! You're not sorry, you're sick, and you're attracted to him! You're perverted. You're encouraging him because you want it, you pig! I told you not to talk to him!!"

"I'm so sorry!! I don't like him, I swear!! I-I shouldn't have spoken to him, I'm so sorry!! Please don't hurt me!!"

I was sobbing intensely. I felt nothing but fear. I knew if I cried, he'd hit me harder. But I just couldn't stop. I just keep crying.

"You son of a bitch, you disobeyed me! You can't be trusted; you won't be seeing him again for a very long time! You'll be lucky to see anyone. Get in your room right now.."

I stayed frozen in fright, my eyes wide.

"Now!!" His voice boomed

I ran up the stairs as quickly as I could, rushing into my room. He followed me up a minute later, slamming my door shut. I heard a drill start, and make its way into my door. It continued for a few minutes, before his footsteps trailed downstairs again. I tried the door handle. It turned, but I couldn't push the door forward. He'd locked me in. And I'm not sure when I'll get to eat, or even leave my bedroom again. But I know, whenever he wants, he can come back and he can hurt me. And I can't hide. I fear he'll kill me one day.
Each time i heard his footsteps, my stomach dropped. My heart beats like I'm being hunted by a predator. And I'm just prey. Just waiting fearfully for the next time he will come back.

"Connor! Connor, please..!"

My eyes finally focused on him. I was no longer seeing the image in my memory, I saw Kevin in front of me. It was very dark in the house, I could barely see him.

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