Turn It Off

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I woke up on Monday morning, as tired as I would've been if I hadn't slept for days. I dreaded getting out of bed today, but I dreaded staying home with my father far more. Reluctantly, I forced myself up, heading to the bathroom to try and make myself look the least bit presentable. I got dressed, putting a shirt and tie on, layering Kevin's jacket over it so I didn't look like I was going to a church instead of a school. I looked in the mirror once more before leaving. Kevin was there waiting for me at the door, just as I expected.

"Hey, Hotshot" He greeted me with his trademark smile

"Hey.. I missed you"

"I missed you too! You look cute today"

"Thanks. You always look cute."

He took my hand and kissed the top of my head as we started to walk.

Our conversation was blander than usual from that point on. Typically our conversations would be quite captivating to me. But something didn't feel right. Something was off.

I looked around myself in attempt to pinpoint what exactly it was that was wrong. Just then, I began to feel dizzy, the world around me starting to spin.

"...Hey, Kev?" I requested his attention, hoping he could somehow find a way to help me


"I uh.. I don't feel so-" I was cut off, stumbling and falling, nearly blacking out. Luckily for myself, Kevin had good enough reflexes to catch me just before I was about to hit the pavement.

"Connor!" He gasped, propping me up in his arms "are you alright?!"

"..yeah, I-I think so..." I stuttered, unable to even fully process what had just happened to me as my vision cleared from gray static

He led me slowly over to the grass, sitting down beside me.

"What happened?" He placed a gentle hand on my cheek

"I-I don't know.."

"Are you sick? You don't feel warm.."

"I don't... think so.."

"Did you eat enough?"

Probably not.

"I think so.."

"Okay... did you drink enough water?"


"Maybe you should go home.. You might faint again."

I shook my head.

"No- I can't, I can't go back there. My dad's home.. I-I'll be fine..."

"Connor... what if you aren't fine?"

"I'm sure I'll be alright."

"Well what if you aren't?"

"I am.."

"..Is there anything I can say to get you to use some sense and stay home?"

"No.. no, I'm not going home.. I can't, I can't be there."

"Okay, just... Be careful today, alright?"


I started to stand up, my knees still wobbling. Kevin jumped to help me up, letting me hold onto him for support as we walked. He stared at me the entire time. He knew something was wrong. He didn't bother to bring it up again, luckily. By the time we reached the school we were ten minutes late, just from how long it took me to walk. I was still clutching onto him when we got into the school, but finally kept myself up long enough to walk myself to the bathroom. I cupped my hands under the sink, splashing a bit of cold water onto my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. My eyes had dark circles underneath them, I was still shaking. I looked disgusting. I heard a knock on the bathroom door as Kevin called out

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