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"Connor! You got a letter!" His mother shouted up to 'my' bedroom, formerly Kevin's.

I ran down the stairs, greeting his mother in the kitchen.

"Really!?" I smiled, grabbing the envelope. This was the seventh letter this month. He keeps sending me multiple at a time, hoping it would keep me thinking of him.


I opened the letter, reading it aloud so his mother would hear from him too.

'Dear Connor,
I've only been here four months, but I miss you like crazy. You're all I think about. I hope you think about me, too. I'll be home in twenty months. So far, I've converted a small handful of people, but you don't care about that. You want to hear from me. My companion, Elder Smith has the same color hair as you. He reminds me a lot of you. He's not anywhere near as cute. There's nobody quite like you. I miss you. So much. I have a few pictures of you with me, but it's no substitute for the real thing. Nothing soothes how deeply I miss you. But, I'm having a lot of fun. I can't wait to come home and tell you all about it!
More letters to come.
Love, Kevin.'

Letter ninety-seven, month 24.

'Dear Connor,
I'll be home in a few days. I've been dreaming of nothing but your beautiful face and darling hand in my own. I miss you so much it's insane. I'm overcome with joy when I hear I'll be home soon to see you. I daydream of my homecoming. You're the first thing I think of when I wake in the early morning, and the last thing I think of before I lay to rest. I'm grateful you've been able to forgive me for leaving, and I'm glad you've become close friends with your dorm mate. I can't wait to meet him. A phone call will be coming soon. I love you. Happy Birthday, Con. I hope your twenty first is the best so far.'

Only a few minutes after I finished that sentence, the phone began ringing.

"Hello!?" I answered with a squeal

"Hi! Happy birthday, my love!"

"Thank you! How are things in Scotland?"

"They're good! How's your birthday so far?"

"It's great! Your mom stopped by! She said to say hi and that she loves you."

"Tell mom I love her too."

"I will. She's taking me out to dinner tonight. We'll be thinking of you."

"Awh. I miss you both so much. You're both so sweet."

"I miss you too. And your mom misses you like crazy. But enough about us, how's your mission going?"

"It's going great! I got yelled at last week when I tried to go door to door. A-And yesterday, I gave out five books!" He giggled

"That's awesome!"

"Isn't it?"


"Oh no... okay, I've gotta run, Sunshine, but I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

"Aw.... okay. I'll talk to you soon. Wait! When are you coming back?"

"I'll be back tomorrow.." he chuckled

"Why are you laughing..? When are you coming home?"

"I told you, tomorrow! I love you so much, okay?"

"Okay, bye"


Ten minutes later, a knock echoed from my door. Perhaps it was my roommate. He's not home yet.

"Who is it?" I asked

There was no answer

"Mark, this isn't funny!" I huffed, opening the door.

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