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It had been weeks since the funeral. I still wasn't feeling back to normal, but at least I was going to school again. I'll never be the same as I was, but I'm moving on slowly, day by day. Learning how to live again.

As I passed the town line on my way to work, I immediately became nervous. I'm not comfortable in this neighborhood. It's where all of the criminally ill people seem to flock to. I wish my job wasn't located here, I wish it were anywhere else, but that's the way it is. If I'm going to work such a lovely job I'm going to have to pay the price and walk through a shitty part of town.

It was rather cold that day, making my eyes water quite a bit in the bite of the wind. It was a well-populated town, yet desolate at the same time. There were plenty of people, all of them appearing dangerous, but despite the amount of people, every corner and bend seemed abandoned. It was unsettling, truthfully. Every slight sound I heard, sounded like a gunshot in my mind, even if it was just a twig snapping. I was on high alert, walking here. I really should've asked my grandfather to drive me. I just hated to seem like a burden.

The sun was already beginning to set, only making me feel more uneasy. I was only ten minutes from work. Just hurry up and get there as quickly as you can, Connor. Just hurry.

As I let out a deep sigh, I heard footsteps closely behind me. On edge, I began to walk faster, but the footsteps behind me only gained pace.

"Excuse me" a gruff voice sent my heart into my throat

I whipped around


"I'm a little lost... maybe you could help me."

"Oh... uh... I-I could try, I- I don't live here, though, I'm not very familiar... you might... you might have better luck with someone else..."

Something felt wrong. I should have trusted my instincts the moment I felt it, I should have run. But what else was I to do?

"No, I think you'll do just fine.."

"....where- where are you trying to go..?" my stomach turned

"Lookin' for the gas station."

"Uh.. that's just down the block over there, a-a left turn at the end-"

"Maybe you should show me.."

"Um.. I- I really should be getting to work, I'm sorry.." I took a step back "it's just ten minutes that way.."

"I really think you oughta stay.." the man set a large, controlling hand on my arm

"...I'm sorry, I really have to get going, now-"

"What are you doin' around here?" His voice lost the slightly less offensive tone with which he first spoke

"...I-I'm just trying to get to work.." I attempted to withdraw my arm, unsuccessfully

"You shouldn't be out here, you're gonna get yourself in trouble.."

"...Please let go of me." My voice cracked as I tried once again to free myself from his grasp

"Stop pullin'." He said, firmly, tightening his grip


"You don't gotta make this hard.. just gotta help me.."

I tried with all of my might to bolt, to get away, but his hold was too tight. He started pulling me. I used all of strength I had to escape his grip, but I'm the farthest thing from strong.
He dragged me as I kicked and fought, but I didn't manage to slow him at all. As he slammed me into a brick building in the nearby alleyway, I felt everything inside me stop. I was filled with nothing but all-encompassing dread.

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