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"Babe? You ready to go?" Kevin shouted from the bedroom, throwing on a jacket.

"Almost! Just gotta put on some shoes!"

I scurried from the bathroom, grabbing my shoes.

"Hurry up, we're running late!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, Kev." I said, tying my shoes

"Sorry, we've just... we've gotta go"

"Are you excited to meet your mom's new boyfriend?" I asked, as I tied my second shoe.

"Yeah.. I guess. I'm a little nervous. I mean, my mom hasn't seen anyone since my dad.."

"I'm sure he'll be a nice guy.."

"I hope so."

"He will. Come on. Time to go!"

Kevin drove us over, opening the door for me.

"Hello?" Kevin asked as we walked in

"Yes! Hi! Come in, kids! There's someone I want you to meet!"


We entered, his mother walking us in.

"Kevin, Connor, this is Jeff!"

He presented us with a tall, slightly bearded man. Older than her. In his late fifties. Almost early sixties. He had a big smile on his face, immediately making everyone feel more comfortable.

"It's nice to meet you, Jeff! I-I'm Connor. Kevin's husband..."

"Oh, Connor, I've heard a lot about you. How are you?"

"I'm well!"

He stopped shaking my hand, moving on to Kevin, reaching out his hand again.

"Kevin. Nice to meet you..."

"Kevin! I've heard a lot about you as well. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just grand, sir.."

"You don't need to call me sir, Kevin. 'Jeff' will do.

"Alright. Jeff."

"So, what's for dinner? I'm starving. Is there anything I could help with?" I asked

"No, it's alright. I'm just about done! Thank you, though, Connor, you're a real sweetheart! Why don't you all head into the living room? I'll be right in!"

We all sat in the living room, Jeff in the rocking chair, Kevin and I on the couch. It was a large couch, with plenty of room, but Kevin and I were essentially attached at the hip, smushed together.

"You look so handsome today.." I whispered, poking his cheek.

"You look handsomer. You look so cute..." he smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek

"...can I sit on your lap?" i asked

"No, we're with people."

"When you married me you unknowingly agreed to let me sit on your lap for the rest of my life."

"Kevin, be a man and let the boy sit on your lap!" his mom said as she walked in, making us all laugh as Kevin finally pulled me up onto his lap.

"Thank you!"

I popped a quick kiss on his cheek, leading him to blush.
He took my hand, intertwining his fingers with my own.

"So, Jeff, do you work?" Kevin asked, squeezing my hand.

"I'm retired now, but... I used to be a professor."

"What did you teach?"


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