Cosmic Complexion

391 14 48

"Baby. Wake up." I whispered, lightly shaking Kevin awake.

"Hmm?" He groaned

"Are you ready to go out?"

His eyes lit up immediately, sitting upright.


"How was your nap?"

"Good. How was your hour of silent consciousness?"

"Very good." I hopped out of the bed, helping Kevin up with me.

"I'll carry the backpack" he volunteered, more than eager to carry a heavy bag for me

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I have something in here for you, and I'm not letting it get wrinkled or bent. If I carry it, I can ensure that it won't"

"What is it? You're making it sound very important."

"It is. To me, at least. I think you'll be glad to see it." He, nodded, unlocking my window.

That was one of many perks of living with my grandfather. It was a one story house. I don't have to climb down a roof just to get out.

As Kevin slipped out my window, he put the backpack's safety ahead of his own, leaning a risky amount as to put it safely on the ground before him.

We left my window open after we both got out, to make re-entry easier.
Before I could even begin walking, he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

With every step, came a smile on his face. It gave me a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach every time, seeing him so genuinely happy. I'd do anything for him to feel that happy and to smile that way for a just second more. Despite his constant rhapsodic descriptions of me and our time together, I will never be free of the the worry that he doesn't want to spend as much time with me as I do, him. But, his blithe smile proved the fact that he was genuinely glad to be with me, to be irrefutable.

When we neared the school, he sped up, hustling me along with him. He found our spot at the top of the hill, pulling two blankets out of the backpack, setting one down for us to sit on, another draping over our laps.

"Can I finally see what you're making such a big fuss about?" I asked.

"In a minute. I brought some snacks."

"Yay! What'd you bring?"

"Well, I brought you some cookies."

"Ooh! What kind?"

"Oatmeal raisin, of course."



"Those are my favorite!!"

"I know." He handed me a plastic bag with three cookies inside.

"Aw, thank you, Pumpkin!" I grinned.

"You're welcome. I also brought some grapes, because I know you're scared of eating unhealthy... You don't have to be scared of that, you're terribly thin and there's nothing wrong with eating something that isn't necessarily good for you once and a while. But, i brought them in case you didn't feel like you could handle cookies.. the more you eat, the better, no matter what it is.. though, I prefer you eat as many cookies as your stomach can fit" he popped a kiss on my temple

"You thought of everything, didn't you?"

"I hope so. I also brought this. Don't feel pressured at all, i only brought it in case you wanted to try it, so don't feel badly if you don't wanna." He pulled a bottle of beer out of the backpack.

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