The Sign

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"Kevvy.. I really don't want to go..."

"You'll be fine. It's a minor dental surgery.. a lot of people have to do it. You'll be just fine.. besides, the stuff they give you, you'll probably be out cold." He chuckled, attempting to cheer me up

"What if I don't wake up?"

"You will! Sunshine, everything is going to be just fine."

" promise?"

"I promise"

He parked the car outside The dentist's, walking me into the waiting room, and even into the dentist's office. The dentist walked me through everything again, in an attempt to calm my nerves, though not much would really help.
"Alright.. I'm going to leave once you're niiice and calm, okay?" Kevin said, referring to the fact that the anesthetic would most likely knock me out, very quickly.
I quickly became panicked again

"No- no, you've gotta stay.."

"The whole time?"

"If you're not here, I can't do it."

"I'm not sure I'm allowed to stay.."

"Y-You have to..!"

"Shhh.. you won't even notice I'm gone. I'll be right here until you're asleep, and I'll be right here again when it's over.." he said, putting his hand gently on my chest to soothe me, while holding my hand with his other

"Oh god...don't leave.."

He clearly felt awful that he couldn't stay the whole time. But I couldn't help it, I was terrified.

"I'll be right here when you wake up.." he assured me, using that phrase as a loophole. I didn't realize it, though. It was enough to make me feel a little bit better.

He stayed with me until I was too out of it to notice. I don't remember much of the surgery at all. I definitely fell asleep for some of it. But the parts in which I was awake, were all pretty blurry. It felt like a bunch of time, that I truthfully couldn't detect the passing of, went by in a couple of minutes. When I woke up again, I immediately saw Kevin on the other side of the room, texting someone on his phone. It took me a minute to figure out who he was, and what he was doing.

"Baby..." I mumbled

"Hey, Sleepyhead! How're you feeling?" He smiled, looking up from his phone.

"Come here..."

He got up and came over to me, giving me a grin, and pushing a few strands of hair from my face. I grabbed him, and pulled him down to my chest, though he was now completely bent over, and more some, in order to do so.

"Oh- jeez, Hi.." he chuckled

"You're here..!"

"Well, I promised, didn't I?"

"Ohhhh, you're so nice!! You're a good husband, Calvin.."


I burst out laughing when I realized my mistake.

"....whoopsies!! Hey, remember when my granddad called you Calvin!?"

"Yeah, I do.."

"Ohhhhh, he was so nice!!! I love him. And I love you!!! I just love you guys so much!!"

"I love you too, Con."

"...and I love you, Doctor Hullbrook!!" I  gasped "Thank you for not letting me die!!"

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