Dust and Ashes

227 11 12

He pushed the apartment door open, locking it behind us. I was essentially clinging onto him, kissing him with pride and passion.
He took me to the bar after dinner, and we were both a bit buzzed to say the least.

"Fuck, you're so pretty" he whispered in my ear.

"..Get in bed." I panted, grabbing his thigh.


"Yeah.. and get that shirt off.. it's getting in my way."

He excitedly grabbed a cigarette out of his pocket, rushing to the bedroom. I fixed my hair and picked up his lighter off the counter, walking into our room, where Kevin already had his shirt off. I hopped onto the bed, straddling his hips.

"Forgetting something?" I asked, shaking the lighter in front of him. He reached out for it, but I pulled it away, starting it up and leaning in to light the cigarette he had between his teeth.

He took one long drag, exhaling slowly, setting the cigarette back in his mouth.

I let my hand run up and down his bare chest, watching him breathe heavily.

"Are you sure you're feeling-"

"Oh my god, will you just shut your pretty little mouth?"

He let out a giggle, nodding.


I took the slim cigarette from his mouth, putting it in my own, taking one deep breath, before putting it back between his teeth, moving my lips down to his neck.

His hand met my hips, rubbing them in circles.

He gasped slightly, throwing his head back as I left the first love bite.

"Fuck, you're good at this.." he chuckled, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"I know. That's why tonight's gonna be all for you..." i whispered, nipping at his ear.


"Oh yeah."

I left around three hickeys on his neck and collarbone, before I finally gave into both of our needs, unbuckling his belt.




I woke up by his side, clutching his chest, a cigarette on the ashtray by the bed. Kevin was sound asleep, his head turned to the side. I watched his chest rise and fall as he would breathe.

I gently drummed my fingers on his pale chest, staring up at his soft lips. He took a deep breath in, letting out a heavy sigh as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning.." I whispered

"Mmm, good morning, Gorgeous."

"So.. last night...."

"Pure. Fucking. Ecstasy."

"Just what I like to hear."

He took another cigarette from the carton, pulling his arm around me as he lit the cigarette, kissing my temple.

"You sure are smoking a lot lately.."

"I know, it just.. makes me feel so good"


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