Cry For Me

209 11 19

I woke up long before Kevin did, that morning. The poor thing's been sleeping constantly. He's exhausted. Unfortunately, he hasn't been letting me take him to a doctor. He insists he's fine, and that's the end of the story. I wish he'd just let me take him, to at least know for certain that everything's alright. He's a stubborn one.

Eventually, he awoke, rubbing his tired eyes

"Good morning, Sleepyhead."

"Mm good morning..."

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired... but better."

"...what do you say we go out and get some breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry.."

"You've gotta eat something, sweetheart."

"I know.."

"Come on, get dressed."

I helped Kevin out of bed and we both began changing.
I quickly stripped of my clothing, changing into a fresh outfit, consisting of a dark purple shirt, a heavy black cardigan and black jeans.

"How do I look?" I turned to Kevin

"Oh, you look so handsome" he smiled, kissing my cheek, fully dressed by the time i was finished dressing.

"Thank you.."

Kevin had his usual attire of a plain white shirt and a brown leather jacket.

"I wish I could be as handsome as you.." I muttered

"You're very handsome. You're far more attractive than I am. You're a cutie." He giggled, suddenly coughing

"Hey, I thought you were better.."

"I am.. i'm... fuck, I'm gonna puke.." he scurried off to the bathroom.

Worried, I followed after him, horrified to find him crouching over the toilet, with blood in his vomit.

"Kevin...!" I gasped

"...I'm fine." He whispered hoarsely, on all fours

"Oh god.. I-I'm bringing you to the hospital!"


"Yes! Kevin, you just vomited blood, you have to go to a hospital!"

"I'll be fine, I-I just need to rest.." he insisted, seemingly quite disoriented, likely from the shock of the situation

"You're panicked, you're not thinking clearly, but we need to get you to the doctor, okay?"

"Just... don't- don't let them keep me.."

"We'll see.. come on... let's go." I helped him up slowly, walking him to the car.

We were both trembling in fear as I drove him to the hospital. A five minute drive had never felt so painfully long.

As we peeled into the parking lot, I picked him up and carried him into the hospital, in a surge of adrenaline. The poor thing looked like he could hardly hold himself up, what was I supposed to do?

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