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-Every strong person was once broken.

I can proudly say that I accomplished a lot of things this year. I got out of my comfort zone and did things I thought I would never have the balls to do. Turns out, you only need guts and determination. I built another mindset in almost a month, twisting my perspective of everything around me in a healthy way, building again what I thought would always be missing in me from past experiences.
I, for starters, never thought would so openly be able to put my feelings into words, so when people read them, they could relate to them. I posted personal content, connecting my past pain, to my current growth and transformation, to make people understand that you can get through anything. Everything is possible the instant you believe in yourself. And I didn't believe in me for a long while, until I felt the need to do that favor to myself, tending and watering my soul was my new objective, becoming a better me became my only goal. I never thought I'd be bold enough to post writings describing feelings I was ashamed of feeling, because I didn't want to admit that at some point in life, even I, the person everyone describes as strong and confident, felt weak and had a low self-esteem.
But I'm only human, and life is about evolving. I'm not ashamed of my past, nor have I ever regretted going through heartbreak. Every strong person was once broken.
I had doubts if I'd be able to make it to the current person I became, but I accomplished the goals I set for myself, writing a book about life and feelings, that will hopefully help any lost soul that reads it find their way, give strength to the ones asking for it, heal the hearts of those who need it, help the depressed minds in a way, and change their perception of the big disappointment that they see in life. The most amazing thing with life is how unpredictable it is, you never know when an opportunity is going to come crashing into your boring existence, lighting up the fire in your soul again, and you'll be ready to strike as powerful as ever this time and reach your goals, since you worked on improving the weak parts of you. And sometimes, you just need to put yourself out there, and get out of your comfort zone so that opportunity can change your routine.
You only need yourself to face challenges, and you can survive on your own if you just learn to keep moving forward and see the bigger picture of the situation you're currently stuck in, to find a way to solve it and make it. Don't rely on people, rely on yourself, this world is temporary, but you're stuck with yourself for a while, so might as well be a good supporter to yourself. You're not alone, you never were, and never will feel alone again the moment you start thinking this way. It's going to be okay, I promise. Maybe not now, maybe not soon enough for your impatient self, but soon enough for you to get another chance to stand up stronger and wiser than before, and make your life worth living.

I owe you guys an apology, honestly life has kept me quite busy for a while, and I needed that break from feelings and deep things. Now that I did that first hard step and got back to it, I'm going to start writing again and give some time to my other books (drafts) i was working on a while ago. Hope I didn't disappoint you.
I'M GONNA END THIS BOOK IN ONE DAY! Thanks for your support and love🙌💖

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