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-Rational thoughts.

The worst thing we can do to ourselves is let our feelings consume us. We are human beings with a thousand layers, and even more emotions, but we fail to realize our role at managing them. 

Here's a theory of mine, feelings are overrated. They do affect us, and that's a good thing when we regulate them. Once there's an imbalance and we shut down our minds to tune into our emotions only, we end up with chaos surrounding us.

If we don't let our emotions rule us, and just coexist peacefully with them, we can rule the universe. Writing about my emotions proved to be cathartic to me, and made it all less consuming. 

The best part about writing it all down, no matter how it sounds or how it is all structured, is that paper is a good listener and will take it all in. Sometimes a pen and paper is all you need to get the clarity you're looking for. 

It helped me let go of heavy emotions and let rational thoughts have their own place on the table. Once you let go of hurt and anger, of heartbreak and disappointment, you acknowledge the hurt you're feeling and start to slowly move on about your day. 

We fail to realize how letting go of the negative emotions can make space for something better. We have to tune in to our emotions only to let them go and free ourselves. This is the only way. Avoidance is not what makes us heal, facing with the intention of healing and moving on will.

I always tend to intellectualize my own emotions, when the only way is to tune in and let them out. Feel it all until you don't have to anymore, until you heal.

We can have a bad day, but see that it will pass and we are deserving of a good life. We can't keep waiting until life isn't hard anymore before we decide to be happy. 

Always look up for tomorrow, to keep yourself alive and aware that life gives you opportunities and things are working in your favor. When you're facing rejection, remember that this is redirection. What's meant to you will always find you. And things are gonna be okay.

Heal, that is all I have to say.

Our emotions and thoughts are connected, once you're aware of the patterns, you can solve the root of the issue.

Roses And Thorns (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now