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-Unsent texts part two

I seemed to be stuck in our chat, unable to accept that this was the end of it all.

"I hate you for still affecting me. I no longer need you, I am whole on my own. I do admit to missing you from time to time, and I let myself feel it every time, because I know this is all part of my healing journey."

It felt like I still had things to say, so I kept going.

"I hope you fall in love one day. And I hope she changes you for the better. I hope she makes you forget about petty arguments and selfishness. I hope she comes along one day and makes you a better man. We were too in sync sometimes, that I'd figured we had a special bond. I hope you find that special bond with her, the one I found with you. I can assure you, making someone else the center of your universe will feel scary, but it'll be worth it. I know you think you're incapable of love, but I know you are, it's simply not with me."

As I sensed I was getting emotional, I figured my point was made, and that would have to be enough. I deleted the text, just like I did to so many others before. He wouldn't miss me, because he had time to feel that way, and if he truly did, we wouldn't still be going on separate ways of our lives. Some things were not meant to be, and that had to be closure enough for me. It was time for me to truly move on and leave the past behind, where it belonged.

Roses And Thorns (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now