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Let me tell you something about her. She wasn't your typical teenager. She did get her heart broken, she did suffer from fake friends betraying her, she did feel like falling paradoxically with her grades. But she was just something else. She didn't need someone to save her. At times, she drowned in her sorrow. Her fate was beyond her reach, and she felt helpless considering the things she couldn't achieve. She felt like she was watching her life play out in front of her. Other times, she detached herself from the reality that became her life, from her body, her fears, from everything. And she watched it all from afar, figuring out how to appreciate what she already had. She wasn't the luckiest, but her life wasn't that bad. She could lit fires with her determination or burn down all of the people that try to put her down, she could drown people with her personality, either that or water them and help them grow. She could do anything. As long as she believed she could, she was unstoppable.

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