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-Drama queen.

The funny thing I noticed about people when I took a step back and simply observed them and their actions, was that the majority were all words no actions. 

Everyone was quick to tell you when you go through hardships that they're by your side. 

They tell you to call them if you need anything, that they would be your rock. 

Lies, honey it's all lies. 

They either just wanna know the information, and wanna have access to a seat close to the main chaotic spectacle happening, or they end up just getting busy with their own thing, their own lives. 

There's a side of me that constantly scolds me whenever I am feeling down and decide to talk to a friend about it, as if I was asking for attention, and this was all an imposter's act. 

I go from feeling disappointed with a friend that does not stand by my side, to blaming myself in a second for even thinking I was to annoy another person with my problems. 

I felt it constantly. Imposter, imposter, imposter.. 

It was a record playing in the back of my brain, calling me out for being dramatic whenever I felt emotional, and an imposter when I took initiative to ask for help.

I always used to see myself as an optimist, but lately I've been the opposite.

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