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-Self-love, sweet revenge.

I chose myself eventually and learned to love myself the way I used to love them. I gave myself the love I never received from the people closest to me, the type of love I knew I deserved. 

Self-love saved me because it gave me hope and purpose, so I started setting goals and making plans. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, and ended up surrounding myself with random people, trying to fill my head with noises other than the ones from the flashbacks.

This new road was the best kind of revenge, because I was one step closer to starting a new chapter. I closed the last chapter the best way I found suited me. I liked the graceful approach I had to the situation, and although I still had respect and love for the ones who left, and managed to stop hate from consuming me, I was done with that chapter and considered it best kept in the past.

My vengeance was moving on, and the contentment I discovered I was able to feel without them, along with the new friends I made by being kind to people, because being myself didn't feel like a weakness anymore, my kindness was simply directed with more intention and direction.

Life really did move on without them and finding something different felt great.

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