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-Know your worth.

Sorrow might be pulling me constantly into the darkest pits of my heart, the bitterness of betrayal still lingering in my mind, but I will never come to regret letting go of people who were unworthy of my kindness.

That mindset stems from self-love. I deserve the world and I'm going to give it to myself. I will stand by my choices, knowing I chose myself in the end. It was all worth it. I deserve to receive the kind of respect and love I give to people.

You only knew how to criticize me, and make me feel less than what I am. I came to realize that I deserved not only love and respect, but also someone who would fight for me, something you'll never be able to accomplish, because you're a coward.

 I can only imagine how miserable your life has been, being constantly self-centered and not feeling worthy unless you're bringing someone else down. 

You mistook my kindness for a weakness, it was never the case. My better view of the world never made me naïve, it made me a visionary. I saw potential where you saw a waste of time.

I had a lot of dreams and would stick to them, because they wouldn't let me down like you did. I won't ever set myself on fire to keep you warm. I was fueled by energy, ready to make a change in the world. 

The best thing about this ending, is I ended up being the one who won. I won myself, at the cost of losing you. Things turned out for the better, when I really thought about it. I was ready to manifest my dreams into reality.

I had the mindset and determination to make it happen, and I knew my worth now. I was unapologetically myself, and it felt great.

Roses And Thorns (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now