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"Thank you" I giggled

"I got us some brownies!"


He smiled, pulling the car out of the grocery store parking lot, driving us home.

"You haven't had a cigarette in two days.. how are you holding up?" I chuckled

"It feels like I'm dying. Mind if we stop by the drugstore and get some on our way home?"

"I don't mind."

"Oh, you're the best!"

He drove over to the drugstore, pecking a quick kiss on my cheek before he got out of the car, leaving me with a dorky, wide smile on my face.

I was unable to wipe the smile before he came back, which immediately brightened his eyes.

"Hey, smiley..."

"Hey... did you get your cigarettes?"

"Yes. The good ones."

"Cool. What makes them good ones?"

"These ones have clearer, unadulterated tobacco."


"They're my favorite. The ones I got last time were fucking weak."

"Ready to go?"

"Mind if I light one in here?"

"No, go ahead."


He grabbed a lighter from his pocket, trying desperately to light his cigarette, getting more agitated the longer he tried.

"Ugh, damn it! It's fucking dead!" He groaned

"Just buy a new lighter.. there are some in there, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't have any more money on me... fuck...."

"I think I've got some... here."

"No, I can't take your money.."

"It's okay! You clearly need a cigarette. Here. Use my money. It's not that expensive."

"....you're a fucking lifesaver." He shook his head, landing another kiss on my cheek, before taking the money I handed him and walking into the store.

He returned around five minutes later.

"They wouldn't let me buy it! I'm not twenty one."

"But if you're old enough to buy cigarettes, why can't you buy a lighter?"

"I don't know. I had to buy matches instead."

"As long as it works.. you get so anxious when you don't have them."

"I know. It's an issue."


He struck a match, lighting his cigarette with it, then shook it to put out the dull flame. He took a deep inhale, closing his eyes, exhaling the smoke.

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