
I finished off my drink, Kevin volunteering to go get me a second one.

Another man sat down in his place.


"I have a boyfriend..." I smiled softly

"And? He's probably not good enough for you.."

"He is. But you sure as hell aren't. I said no. Beat it, Hippie." I barked, no longer smiling. The man left, muttering under his breath.

Kevin returned with another drink for me, sitting down at the seat across from me once again.

"I'm back!"

"I got hit on."

"By who?"

"You see that guy over there? The one in the tank top. He hit on me. Persistently. He would not take no for an answer."

"What'd he do?"

"Oh, he was all 'I bet your boyfriend isn't good enough for you"

"What did you say?"

"I don't know, I told him that you were, but he certainly wasn't. And then I told him to beat it."

"That's the Connor I know." He giggled, ruffling my hair.

"The Connor you know is afraid to talk to anyone. This is tipsy Connor."

"That's the tipsy Connor I know"

"You're only having a coke?"

"I'm driving us home. Unless you wanna die in a fiery car crash, I think it's best.


"Yeah. You're not gonna get drunk, are you?"

"No. I'm stopping at two. I hate how I get when I'm drunk."

"You get very sexual."

"I know!"

"It's a blessing and a curse."


"...So, when we get home, what do you wanna do?" I asked

"I was thinking we'd pick up some brownies at the store. Get home and feed Benson.. watch a movie, make out and go to bed."

"That sounds absolutely perfect." I chuckled

"Awesome. Finish up your drink so we can get outta here."


I chugged the rest of my drink, standing up. He walked me out of the bar, out to the car, driving us to the store. He went in and bought the brownies while I waited in the car, singing along to his music.

He got back in the car, laughing quietly.

"Nice singing"

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