Your angry about school

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"Because I hate people and their annoying and rude and school is so unfair they don't even know what happened the one time I stand up for myself I get in trouble my mom is going to kill me I can't go to school I'm gonna be in so much trouble" She rambled taking her hair out of its pony tail.
"Y/n" I said gently stopping her rant.
"And now yeah-" she stopped herself and huffed.
"Come lay with me sweetheart" I patted the spot next to me. She took a deep breath and laid down with her head on my chest.
"Now tell me what happened" I secured my arm around her waist.
"I had enough with Sarah and her stupid Barbie doll army who think their so great and they have the perfect life and get every little thing in their pathetic life-"
"Babe" I cut in over her again.
"I know I'm sorry. Anyways she started making fun of me again and saying how I don't deserve anything in life so I punched her and broke her nose now I'm suspended from school the rest of the week" I could see her chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Just relax baby" I kissed the top of her head. "So you punched Sarah?" I asked.
"Yes because she was-"
"Babe" I chuckled. "Your getting too angry about this just take a deep breath and calm down. Who cares if you got suspended. You punched Sarah in the face. She's not going to bother you anymore" I told her while twisting the tips of her hair around my fingers.
"But she's so annoying and-"
"Go to sleep" I laughed pulling the covers over her head. "I love you but you need to shut up" I found her hand and laced my fingers through hers.
"I love you" I whispered over and over again.

Michael Clifford imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin