Text Me Merry Christmas - Cole Turner

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I was sitting in my living room looking at my family Christmas tree and all the decorations that were placed around.

"Come on Cole, join in the fun." My sister Lizzie said from the kitchen where my mom, dad and her were all baking and decorating cookies.

"Really aren't feeling it." I said as I looked at her stocking hanging on the fireplace.

"Come on Cole, she said she would make it if she could, but the storms were pretty bad this year. The snow may keep her."

"We both love Christmas and she promised to never miss a Christmas even with taking this job in Colorado." I said and sighed. I looked at my phone to see if I had anything from her and I didn't.

Maybe she was on her way, maybe she was going to make it...wishful thinking.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked into the kitchen to help out. I figured being a Grinch wasn't helping anyone. I started decorating some cookies and had forgotten all about expecting a call from her for a few minutes when my cellphone vibrated in my pants. I wiped y hands off quickly and pulled my phone from the pocket.

Lacey: Hey

Hey, was all she sent me. I knew what this meant, and I was already getting upset.

Cole: Hey, how's traveling?

Lacey: Cole, I don't know if I will be making it. The snowstorm came in fast, and they are canceling flights. I know tomorrow is Christmas and I'm still trying to get in.

I just sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter.

Lacey: Do me a favor though...

Cole: What?

I wasn't happy about this but there was nothing I could do.

Lacey: Do all the Christmas Eve events you would usually do with me there. Decorate the cookies, watch the movies, unwrap one present, do it all but take pictures of you doing it so I can feel like I'm there with you.

I smiled at this, and she was trying to make the best of this and us being apart.

Cole: I will do what I can babe. I love you.

Lacey: I love you and I will get there as soon as I can.

I put my phone in my pocket and just sighed knowing I would have to start with pictures sure and make her feel like she was a part of the festivities with us.


I had been receiving photos, videos and messages from Cole all night. He was decorating cookies, eating dinner, they even set me place, he showed me the snow falling outside and how it was covering everything, he knew I love a steady snow fall like he was getting. He opened a gift from his mom that had a scarf in it and smiled knowing he knitted them for all of us and mine was there somewhere.

I sighed leaning back in my seat. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I smiled as I pulled up the text and found a picture of Cole standing under some mistletoe.

Cole: XOXO

Lacey: I miss you so much. XOXO Cole. Leave that up and we will meet under it when I get back.

Cole: I look forward to it. Christmas sucks without you.

Lacey: I know babe, I will make it up to you. I love you.

Cole: I love you too sweetie. Hurry home.

I smiled seeing this. I missed kissing Cole, and I knew being away from him right now wasn't fair at all and I planned to change it all come the first of the year. This job was taking me away from the man and family I loved for the holidays and that wasn't far to anyone.

I watched the snow fall outside the window and just sighed. I looked at the time and it was an hour away from midnight...almost Christmas.


My cab pulled down the long driveway at 11:58pm. It was almost midnight, and the house was dark. Everyone was asleep, thank god I had a key to get in. I paid the cab driver and grabbed my bag from the trunk. I rushed to the porch and quietly unlocked the door.

As I was closing the door quietly my phone vibrated in my hand.

Cole: It's midnight Lacey, Merry Christmas.

I smiled at this, he waited. I knew at that point I could rush upstairs and catch him before he fell asleep. I had another plan tough. I quickly went to the bathroom downstairs and quietly changed into my Christmas pajamas that I had packed with me just in case I wouldn't be home, but I could still wear them and match the family come Christmas morning even if I wasn't there.

Once I was finished, I walked back out to the living room, and I looked at the pictures he sent me and smiled. I found the mistletoe hanging by the fireplace and walked over to it. I pulled up the camera on my phone and smiled taking a picture.

Lacey: Wanna meet me under the Mistletoe?

It didn't take long to hear his bedroom door open. I don't even think his feet hit many steps on the way down. I was smiling when he was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at me.

"Lacey?" Cole asked in shock.

"Merry Christmas Cole Turner." I said. He rushed over to me and cupped my face as he quickly pulled me in and passionately kissed me.

"You made it." Cole said.

"I couldn't have a text relationship with you for Christmas Cole. I got on the last flight out I could. I just had to get home. I had to get home to you." I said and he smiled leaning in and passionately kissing me again.

"I'm so happy you did." Cole said and I smiled at him. He then looked under the tree.

"You want your Christmas present from me now?" Cole asked.

"Is it you in the bed?" I asked and he laughed but half nodded.

"That's part two. Do you want the first part of your gift?" Cole asked and I nodded. He walked over to the tree and reached for a small box under the tree and walked over to me. He opened the box to reveal an oval diamond solitaire ring.

"Cole..." I gasped.

"I'm tired of being apart and waiting for the perfect chance to do this. I have loved you from the moment you knocked over Edna's cactus display and we bumped heads trying to pick it up. You knocked some sense into me and made me realize I would never find anyone else in my life other than you. I only want you Lacey forever and ever. I want to spend all of my Christmases with you. Will you marry me?" Cole asked getting down on one knee as my eyes filled with tears.

I fell to my knees and was level with him, I cupped his face, "yes Cole, yes I will marry you." I said through tears falling. He placed the ring on my finger and passionately kissed me.

When we broke apart, I was still cupping his face and he just smiled at me.

"Now what do you say we take this upstairs?" Cole asked and I smiled with a nod as we got up and rushed upstairs to his room to spend the time until the early hours of the morning tangled up in each other. 

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