But It's My Birthday - Chris Evans

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I walked into his house and smiled seeing everyone but also sighed knowing he didn't want a party this year. He wanted his siblings and me....how I always got lumped into being like sister to him always made me smile. We had been friends since grade school when he pulled on my braids and I punched him in the nose for it...you know like all friendships start. I ran into his brother first and sighed.

"Sophia!" Scott said excited and I smiled hugging him.

"Is this your doing?" I asked motioning to all the people.

"Yeah...he didn't tell me he wanted family only." Scott said and I sighed.

"If it was family only, I wouldn't be here." I said and Scott shook his head.

"You know that's a damn lie." Chris said from behind me and I smiled. I turned around and hugged the birthday boy himself Chris Evans. He held on to me a little longer than usual. He had been out of town for a while promoting his new movie Lightyear so this birthday celebration was a few days late. Scott excused himself and walked away.

"So...old man..." I started off and he placed a hand over my mouth.

"Nope, you don't get to do that." Chris said and I laughed as he removed his hand. We may have met in grade school but he was 2 years ahead of me. He was just the big kid on the playground messing with the little kid not knowing she knew how to fight.

"You are right behind me." Chris said and I laughed.

"Yeah but like 3 years since my parents started me in school early because I was genius." I said and we laughed.

"Yeah sure...it's because of your birthday was always the first day of school smartass." Chris said and I smiled.

"Hey, you okay with all this really?" I asked taking is hand felling his slight nervousness.

"Yeah...I mean I just went through 2 big movie premieres. If I cant deal with a birthday party I have an issue." Chris said and I laughed.

"I know and I'm here if you need me." I said, Chris nodded and leaned down and kissed me cheek.

"I know Soph, thank you." Chris said and I smiled at him. I went to walk away but he still had ahold of my hand. He was rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Chris...?" I asked and he released me.

"Sorry need a small calming moment." Chris said and I smiled.

"I'm going to get a drink and see your sisters." I said and he nodded. I walked into his kitchen and poured me some whiskey. As I was putting the cap back on the bottle I felt someone stand beside me and I looked to see Lisa, Chris' mom.

"Hey!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey, I was wondering if you were going to make it." Lisa said and I smiled.

"I couldn't miss his birthday." I said and Lisa said and smiled.

"You talk to him yet?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah for a few minutes. Just bullshitting for a few minutes. Why? Should he have mentioned something in particular?" I asked and Lisa shook her head.

"No just hoping he calms down now that you are here. He was worried." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Yeah he seemed not too happy about all of this." I said and Lisa sighed.

"Scott thought he was doing good. I mean this is normal Chris." Lisa said as we walked back out to the living room.

"He is getting too old for the parties." I said and Lisa laughed then stopped and smacked my arm.

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