Rescue - Pt. 2 The Raft - Steve Rogers

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I took the info I got from Sam about where Steve went. I knew he would be with Barnes. I also knew they were going after Baron Zemo. I wasn't sure what the full story was, but I figured if I could just get there while they were there, we could all talk.

I never trusted Barnes, but he was Steve's friend and I always wanted to trust Steve, although at this point in time I felt like his judgement was clouded.

But mine was as well. Romy...Romy was in the Raft prison. I needed to get to the bottom of that. I knew she wouldn't just leave us like everyone stated she did. She wouldn't have left Steve. They were becoming friends, even more so if Steve would have had his way.

Once I arrived where Steve and Barnes where I walked in. I was met with Barnes pointing a gun at me and Steve taking a defensive stance. I sighed and took off the ironman helmet.

"Listen, Ross doesn't know I'm here but I'm here to help you out." I said and Steve seemed to relax. Finally, he got Bucky to put the gun down he was pointing at me. I then sighed and looked at Steve.

"Listen, I have to tell you something about someone I saw at the raft." I said.

"Who?" Steve asked.


"Romy?" Steve asked and I could tell his heart sank.

"She insists she was set up and innocent. I listened to her interrogation on the way here. I think she was set up Steve, but she didn't have a say or lawyer. Ross got what he wanted, took her and imprisoned her. She is stuck there Steve. She wanted me to tell you she still cares about you and to run, not end up there." I explained and Steve just shook his head.

"So, she didn't just up and leave...?" Steve questioned.

"No, Ross arrested her." I explained.

"Well, I can't think about that now. I will deal with it when we are done here." Steve said and I nodded. We continued further into the bunker to get done what we needed to do.


It had been a few days since Tony came and I was hoping he found Steve and I was hoping he was safe and on the run.

"Ro?" I heard someone call my name and I sighed.

"Yeah Scott?" I asked.

"How do we get something to read? Like a book or something?" Scott asked and I groaned.

"You have to be nice to the guard." I said and Scott groaned as the guard on duty passed my cell and looked at me. "He is as cuddly as a teddy bear." I said, he rolled his eyes and kept walking.

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