Like We Used To - Ransom Drysdale/Colin Shea

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I was standing with my fiancé Ransom Drysdale at our engagement party smiling and taking pictures.

"Okay enough mom." I said and she smiled.

"Come on Em, she is just excited." Ransom said and I sighed.

"More than me." I said and Ransom smiled and kissed my cheek. My mom, Melanie pulled me off to the side and smiled.

"Ransom, can I have a few moments alone with my daughter?" Melanie asked and I smiled at Ransom as he leaned down and kissed me.

"I'll go see Harlan and my parents. Come find me when you are done." Ransom said and I nodded. Once he was out of ear shot my mom smiled at me.

"I am so happy for you and Ransom." She said and I smiled and I looked down at the huge diamond ring on my finger.

"Don't you think it's all a little much and fast though? I mean it's only been a little over a year since...." I started say and Melanie stopped me.

"Don't even think about him Emery. He left you remember, the band was bigger than you." Melanie said and I sighed.

"But I'm engaged within 16 months of breaking up with him. Ransom is amazing but seemed to just fall into my lap." I said and Melanie wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Mom...." I said annoyed.

"Your dad went to school with his father and have stayed friends. We were talking about how Ransom needed to settle down and you were coming off of being with Colin, it just seemed perfect so we set up that "accidental" meeting." Melanie said and I groaned.

"Mom!" I said.

"Shush!" Melanie said.

"And you will have it made. His family and him are well off. This is all I have ever wanted, you to marry someone who can take care of you." Melanie said and I sighed.

"Nothing about if I actually love the person?" I asked.

"Do you love Ransom?" Melanie asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, think so...." I said and Melanie gripped my upper arms.

"Emery Cheyenne Anderson, you listen to me right now. This is a smart pairing and a smart marriage." Melanie said and I nodded.

"Okay..." I said and I looked at the floor but I felt hands on my shoulders and I smiled at the touch.

"Can I have my fiancé back now? My mother would love to see her." Ransom said and I gave a small laugh, did my mom.

"Of course." Melanie said and we walked over to Linda and she smiled.

"So Ransom has been very quit on the ring, can I see it?" She asked and I smiled and I put out my left hand.

"Oh Ransom, it's gorgeous." Linda said and I smiled at him.

"He did good, picked it out himself." I said and he nodded.

"Think it's big enough?" Richard, his father asked and I sighed.

"Oh Richard stop, your son is in love, can't you tell?" Linda asked and Richard scoffed.

"And she is in love with the family money." Richard mumbled but we all heard.

"Excuse me. I need a drink." I said and walked away. I heard Ransom and Linda quietly start in on Richard about what he said. I was standing at the small bar in the restaurant that we rented out for the party.

"About time I see you." I heard a voice say and I smiled and saw my best friend Lexi standing there and I threw my arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.

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