Honey, Honey - Cole Turner

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I was sitting in my room after a long summer of working at the farmers market with my parents' friend Edna

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I was sitting in my room after a long summer of working at the farmers market with my parents' friend Edna. It was a busy summer and I wanted to make sure I got it all wrote down in my journal. From the flowers Edna sold, to the feeling of being out and meeting all the fun people...then there was my honey....

"Hey! Welcome back!" My friend and neighbor Amanda said coming in and sitting on my bed beside me and I quickly closed my journal.

"Hey, how did you know I was back from D.C.?" I asked and she smiled.

"I saw your dad drop you off. Also, I may have been counting down the days to when you would be back. Why did you have to go to D.C. again?" She asked and I laughed.

"I had to help someone. She is like a sister to my mother, and she runs a flower booth at a farmers market every summer, and she needed some help." I said and Amanda just half nodded.

"So...anything else fun happen in D.C?" She asked and the blush instantly rose in my cheeks, always a dead giveaway.

"SPILL!" Amanda yelled and I sighed.

"It was nothing..." I said and she shook her head.

"You wouldn't be as red as a fire engine for nothing. Spill it Rach!" Amanda said and I groaned and pushed my journal over to her and she quickly opened it to the pages I was filling out while I was out, embarking on this journey.

"Day 1: He works at the booth across from Edna and from what I can tell one of the only few that put up with her crazy antics. I'd heard about him before I got there, and I wanted to know some more." Amanda read and looked at me and I just gave a small smirk, so she continued. "After watching him lose his money box for the 5th time in one day I offered to stay in his booth and help him. He declined but after the 6th time I just went and joined him."

"Who is him?!" Amanda asked.

I just shrugged.

"Day 2: He asked if Edna could give me up for the day. It was going to be a busy day and he didn't want to keep using a tracker to look for the money box. My sole job was to keep track of it for him and stay in his booth. Well, we all know I couldn't just sit there. I helped him sell his families homemade honey and some herbs. By the end of the day, he was out of product but had more in storage to bring for the next day. I've decided to call him Honey at this point."

"You're slow burning me here!" Amanda said and I laughed.

She read a few more pages of days and she smiled when she got to day 7.

"Day 7: Honey finally asked me out! We went out tonight... The way that he kissed good night. The way that he held me tight. I feel like I wanna sing when he does this thing..."

"What thing?! What the hell Rachel?!" Amanda yelled and I sighed looking at her.

"He did this thing when he kissed me...I just can't explain it. I felt like I was in a daze and my feet weren't even on the ground and made me dizzy all at the same time." I said and Amanda groaned.

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