All You Need is Love - Traveling Soldier Pt. 3 - Steve Rogers

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I was walking in the house from a day working at the diner to see Steve playing with our 2-year-old son in the floor and I smiled.

"Momma!" Our son James yelled excited and I smiled.

"Hey baby." I said walking over and kissing the top of his head then look at Steve.

"Rogers." I said with a smile.

"Ginny." He said and I kissed him.

Steve had been back in my time for 2 years. Right after we were married I found out I was already pregnant. Once it was a boy Steve asked if we could name him James Anthony Samuel Rogers after 3 of the best guys he knew. I knew Steve was missing everyone from the future and things were a little tense when he kept talking about it. I went to the kitchen and started cooking dinner when Steve came walking in.

"You have a good day at work?" Steve asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, normal day. I thought you were going to bring James in? Betsy is dying to see him." I said and sighed.

"I was visiting someone and left James with the neighbor." Steve said and I turned to look at him annoyed.

"And where was this?" I asked and he sighed.

"I went to see Peggy and Howard." Steve said and I groaned. I went to walk out if the kitchen. "Let me explain Ginny..." Steve said stopping me. I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"Howard was able to recreate to Pym particles that got me here." Steve said and I huffed a laugh.

"Do they even work?" I asked man Steve nodded.

"Yeah we took some trial runs. It works perfectly." Steve said and I sighed.

"Well, have a good life Rogers." I said and went to walk back him.

"Hey! What the hell does that mean?!"

"You being back was amazing at first. You got me and we got a life that you always wanted but recently you can't stop thinking about what you left behind 2 years ago. I'm sorry you had to choose and maybe now think you thought wrong. You want to go Steve fine, go, live whatever you want, but don't go back and need to pick one time." I said and Steve sighed as I walked away. I went to go to bedroom and Steve stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"I want you and James to go with me. I know we have a life here and I know everything seems perfect but I'm missing part of my life back there. I want you with me though Ginny. You and James. My old life with my new life. James can meet the men he is named after and they can meet the girl I couldn't believe I left behind." Steve said and pinned me against the wall, flashed that famous Steve Rogers smiled and I sighed. He leaned in and passionately kissed me. As the kiss started to get deeper James cried from his playpen where Steve had placed him.

"I don't want an answer right now. I want you think about it." Steve said as we walked in the living room and I picked up James.

"Steve, is it dangerous?" I said and he shook his head. "And you really want us to go?" I asked and he smiled leaning in to kiss me and then kissed James.

"I wouldn't go without you. We will have to arrive 2 years ago because that's when I left but it will be okay." Steve said and I sighed.

"When do we leave?" I asked and Steve looked at me shocked.

"You're sure?" Steve asked.

"I want you happy. You'll be happy going back. You'll just have to give me time to adjust." I said and Steve nodded.

"I will do whatever I can." Steve said and I sighed.

"Let's go to the future." I said and looked at James who was smiling


A few days later we were standing with Peggy and Howard as Howard handed Steve the bracelets. Steve put mine on me and then held James's in fear he would break it or hit the button too soon.

"You all sure of this?" Peggy asked me as Steve talked to Howard and I nodded.

"Steve deserves to be happy." I said and Peggy sighed looking at me.

"And you?" Peggy asked.

"As long as I have Steve, I'm happy." I said

"All you need is love." Peggy said and I nodded. I hugged Peggy and she hugged James. Steve came over and hugged Peggy as James and I hugged Howard.

"Ready?" Steve asked and I nodded as we walked into the platform.

"Have a wonderful life you two." Howard said and Steve looked at me, placed the bracelet on James and then hit the button, my button and his own. Then grabbed my hand as Howard started counting down from 5. In the blink of an eye I was standing on another platform in the middle of a clearing. There was a huge green guy, and 3 other normal men standing there looking in shock. Steve hit the buttons on the bracelets and James was crying reaching for Steve.

"Dada!" He cried. Steve took James as everyone looked at us, shocked.

"Hey guys. Meet my wife and son." Steve said and everyone smiled as we walked off the platform.

"The famous Ginny." The guy with long hair said. I looked at Steve.

"Ginny, this is James Buchanan Barnes...Bucky." Steve said and I smiled.

"So nice to finally meet you." I said and he smiled. He walked to the man next to Bucky.

"This is Sam Wilson." Steve said and I smiled.

"Hi Sam." I said and he smiled. He then walked us over to the two guys standing behind all the equipment.

"This is Dr. Bruce Banner..." Steve said as James cuddled closer to him scared of what he was seeing.

"So nice to meet you." I said and he smiled.

"And finally, this is Tony Stark." Steve said and I looked at him.

"As in...?" I trailed off, Steve nodded. Tony seemed to read my mind.

"Howard was my father." Tony said and I nodded with a smiled.

"Well it's so nice to meet all of us. Especially you 3. I'm Virginia, Ginny Rogers. This is mine and Steve's son, James Anthony Samuel Rogers." I said and all the men he was named for lit up.

"Well a lot to explain. Like how long were you really gone?" Tony asked.

"2 years." Steve said as James started reaching for Bucky who walked up. Bucky looked at Steve oddly.

"You can't break him Bucky, trust me." Steve said and we all laughed as Bucky took James. Bucky, Sam and James all started talking. I looked at Tony who was looking at Steve.

"You sure this is what you want? Rogers, as long as I have known you it was always about going back and having a life with your girl." Tony said and I laughed.

"And I got her. I couldn't stop thinking about back here though and seeing everyone again. I left everyone, I was tired of letting people down. I got my girl, got my life and now I'm back to finish my life with everyone and everything I wanted." Steve explained wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Life complete now Rogers?" Bruce asked. Steve looked at me and then at James laughing with Bucky and Sam, then back at me.

"I have it all. I couldn't be happier." Steve said and leaned down passionately kissing me.

"Peggy Carter said it best when we were leaving. All you need is love." I said when we broke apart and Steve nodded. 

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