I Don't Wanna See You With Her - Andy Barber

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"Come on Kenz, can you just sing one song for me?" My older sister Laurie ask me at her engagement party and I shook my head

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"Come on Kenz, can you just sing one song for me?" My older sister Laurie ask me at her engagement party and I shook my head.

"No Laurie, I'm only here because mom and dad said I had to be. I just want to leave." I said downing the glass of champagne that I grabbed off a tray going around the party.

"I know this is hard for you to deal with but I don't need you to ruin this for Andy or I." She said.

"Don't worry dear older sister. I would never tell everyone how you stole my boyfriend from me by telling him a lie about me all because you were jealous." I said. Laurie looked at me as she got fake tears in her eyes. "Don't Laurie, I don't have the patience." I said and walked away. I needed air. I walked out onto the balcony of the banquet room where the engagement party was being held. I walked up to the railing, leaning on it taking a big breath.

"Can't breathe in there either?" I heard a voice ask me. A voice I knew all too well, a voice until only about 7 months ago was in my day to day life. I turned my head and saw Andy sitting in the shadows.

"Why are you hiding? You are the groom to be." I said and Andy sighed.

Andy Barber...Assistant District Attorney in Newton Massachusetts. My boyfriend until my sister told him a horrible lie about me cheating on him with his work colleague Neal Loguidice. It never happened but Andy didn't believe me so he left me and found comfort in Laurie. Now here we are 7 months later and they were engaged, getting married in 3 months.

"I'm not hiding, I'm getting some air." Andy said coming up to stand next to me and I stepped away from him.

"You can't stand next to me?" Andy asked and I shook my head.

"No Andy I can't. Being here on this balcony with you hurts. I just was to get out of here but I have to stay and play the happy sister and maid of honor. Do you even know how shitty that is Andy?! I have to stand up next to her while she marries you! It was supposed to be us Andy!" I ranted and he just looked at the ground.

"You ruined it Kenzie." Andy said and I groaned.

"I didn't cheat Andy! You believed my sister who I had been warning you wanted you away from me! She wanted you Andy!" I said and he just shook his head. He didn't say anything and I huffed a laugh.

"I'll too sober for this conversation and this party." I said and walked off the balcony and went to the bar. "Whiskey please and keep them coming" I said to the bartender.

"Woah. Going hard all night?" I heard a voice say and it made me cringe. I turned to see Neal standing there.

"Why are you here, you and Andy don't get along." I said annoyed.

"Well no but your lovely sister invited me for you." Neal said and I made a gagging noise. "Don't be like that Kenz..." he trailed off and placed a hand on my arm.

"Don't touch me or call me Kenz." I said being handed my drink.

"Come on Kenzie, don't you think we could give this a chance? I mean everyone thinks it happened already." Neal said and I downed my drink and asked for another.

"No Neal. Get it through your head! I. Don't. Like. You. Or. Want. You!" I said punctuating every word. I got my other drink and I walked away from the bar and Neal. I was heading to my table to just sit down when I was intercepted by my mother.

"Your sister is crying in the bathroom. What did you do?" Marsha asked and I sighed.

"I'm not sure I gave her a fiancé and everything." I said and Marsha groaned.

"Let it go Kenzie. Go get your sister. You have to make your speech soon." Marsha sans and I groaned. I downed my drink, set the glass on the table and walked to the ladies room. The door was locked and I knocked on it.

"Go away!" Laurie sobbed.

"Laurie, open the damn door." I said and I heard the lock click. I walked in and looked at her. "What is wrong with you?!" I asked pissed.

"You were talking to Andy on the patio." She sobbed and I laughed.

"We were talking. He is going to be my brother-in-law. He was my boyfriend Laurie! We have history! We are allowed to talk! Get over yourself. You won! You got Andy! Go claim your damn prize!" I said slightly raising my voice. She instantly stopped crying, walked up to me and got in my face.

"Exactly. I won, I will always win." Laurie said and I sighed as she walked out. I calmed myself and walked back out to the banquet hall as I saw my parents up from with Laurie and Andy.

"Ah there she is! Kenzie, time for your maid of honor and sister of the bride speech." Victor, our father said in the mic and I plastered on a fake smile when everyone looked at me and I walked up to them. I took the microphone for my father. I then smiled at Laurie.

"I had a speech all prepared but Laurie has been begging me to sing all night. So just for you big sister and soon to be brother-in-law, I will sing a song for just the two of you." I said and they smiled as I walked over to the piano. I knew this was wrong, I knew this was going to go horribly wrong but I didn't care. I started playing the piano.

🎵It's a small town word gets around
And travels in circles through hoops over hurdles
Everyone's careless they talk about our mess
They don't care how it hurts me must think it was easy
They say you have a new love I'm happy for you love
I just don't wanna meet her, Are you gonna keep her
Cause I don't wanna see you with her
I don't wanna see her face resting in your embrace
Her feet standing in my place
I don't wanna see you moved on
I don't think that I'm that strong
It hasn't been that long since I was the one on your arm
I don't like being sober that's when it hits me it's over
Although it was my choice I can't shake your calm voice
Saying you found one that makes you feel as strong
And helps you through hard times cause that job was once mine
They say you have a new love I'm happy for you love
I just don't wanna meet her are you gonna keep her
Cause I don't wanna see you with her
I don't wanna see her face resting in your embrace
Her feet standing in my place
I don't wanna see you moved on
I don't think that I'm that strong
It hasn't been that long since I was the one on your arm
I don't wanna see you with her
I don't wanna see you with her
Cause I don't wanna see you with her
I don't wanna see her face resting in your embrace
Her feet standing in my place
I don't wanna see you moved on
I don't think that I'm that strong
It hasn't been that long since I was the one on your arm
Cause I don't wanna see you with her🎵

Once I was done playing the room was silent. Laurie was crying and Andy as looking at the ground. I didn't say anything else or listen to anyone else calling my name, mainly my parents as I walked out of the banquet hall.

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