Love Me Like You - Chris Evans

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I was sitting getting my hair fixed when there was a knock on my dressing room door.

"Come in." I said and I saw Lisa Evans walked in, Chris Evans mom.

"Mama Evans!" I said excited as she came over and hugged me.

"Chris told me you were the musical guest tonight and I had to come see you." Lisa said as we broke apart.

"Yeah, he called me and told me you would be here with him when we found out we were on the same night." I said she smiled.

"You mean she let him call you and talk to you?" Lisa asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well I could only guess she wasn't around. I thought you guys liked Regina?" I asked and Lisa sat in the chair beside me.

"We did when they started dating but it was so soon after you, he didn't have time to really grieve that lose." Lisa said and I sighed.

"Yeah well I loved Chris and I hated us splitting up." I said and she smiled.

"What did lead to the break-up? He never said."  Lisa asked and I sighed as they finished doing my hair and make-up.

"Honestly, I don't know. I know schedules conflicted so damn much and we weren't seeing each other as much since I was recording the new album and he was filming all over the place. We just figured a break would be better then constantly fighting. I thought we had every intention of being together when things calmed down but he met Regina. Our split was amicable and we are still friends but I do miss you." I said and Lisa sighed.

"He can be so dumb sometimes." Lisa said.

"So what song are you singing tonight?" Lisa asked and smiled.

"Something from the new album but I wanted to keep it hush hush." I said and Lisa smiled.

"About someone we both know?" Lisa asked and I shrugged. We both laughed as there another knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and I saw Chris peeked his head in.

"Hey!" I said and he came over and hugged me kissing my cheek.

"Lisa I got a kiss on the cheek! Regina must not be around!" I said overacting and Chris groaned.

"Really Claire?" Chris asked and I smiled at him.

"Sorry." I said and he shook his head.

"It's fine but I do need my mother back so I can get her in her seat next to Regina." Chris said and I smiled and Lisa got up giving me another hug. She walked out with the stagehand and Chris stayed for a minute.

"You talking to Jimmy before you sing?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, you want me not to hug you or something when I come out?" I asked and he sighed.

"No Claire, you can hug me. I don't care what Regina thinks. We had a good breakup and a united front and friendship is good to show." Chris said and I nodded and a stagehand peeked their head in my room.

"Chris we need to get you mic'd up and Claire, you need to get dressed." She said and I nodded.

"Okay, see you out there." I said and Chris and he kissed my cheek again.

"You can count on it." Chris said and I smiled. Once I got dressed in my royal blue sequined bodycon dress that hit mid-thigh I looked in the mirror and smiled knowing I wore Chris's favorite color. I put on my heels and just waited to get my mic on and to go out to talk to Jimmy. Soon I was being taken out to wait backstage.

 Soon I was being taken out to wait backstage

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