Safe & Sound - Curtis Everett

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I was standing in line to get on the train that was supposed to be able to save us from the cold snap that was going to be taking hold of the whole world. I was standing with my boyfriend Brandon and our friend Curtis. Brandon had his arms wrapped around me trying to keep us warm since the cold had started to set in.

"Everything will be fine Esme." Brandon said sensing my hesitation getting on the train.

"It wont be forever right?" I asked and Curtis shook his head.

"No, this cold spell will pass and we can get off the train and be able to go back to our normal lives." Curtis said and I sighed.

"Curtis, we are 17-year-olds who just finished high school. We have no lives to go back to." I said and we all laughed.

"Well you do miss teacher." Brandon said and kissed my cheek.

"Still have to get the degree, won't be getting it on this train." I said and Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Come on will be" Brandon said.

"If you say be positive, I kick you in your shin." I said and Curtis laughed.

"Have I mentioned how much I like her?" Curtis said and I smiled at him. The hood on my jacket fell off and Curtis pulled it back up for me and I smiled at him,.

"Thank you." I said.

"Don't need that big brain on yours freezing to death." He said and I smiled. We were then silent until we go to the front and about to get on the train. I paid the guy and was helped on the train.

"Only room for one more." The guy running the show said and I looked at Curtis and Brandon.

"Go Esme, we are going to talk to this guy and we will be right on. Go get us space." Brandon said and I nodded. I gave them both sad looks as I was ushered further on the train.


"You seriously can let 2 more people on?" Brandon asked the guy.

"Sorry only have room for 1 more. You two have to choose." The guy said and they looked at each other.

"Go, you have Esme on the train. You need to be with her." Curtis said and Brandon shook his head.

"Curtis, go, take care of her. She needs you more than me." Brandon said and Curtis looked at him confused.

"You love her Curtis and I know you do. Just go. I will try and get on still but go." Brandon said

"You are stronger than me Curtis and she will need that to survive. We know this isn't passing anytime soon and I'm not strong enough for this." Brandon motioned to the train.

"Brandon, she loves you and will never forgive me if I go." Curtis said.

"She will just take care of her and let her know this is what I wanted and is for the best." Brandon said and shoved Curtis on the train. Before Curtis could protest the doors shut.

"NO!" Curtis yelled and banged on the door. His friend was gone, Esme's boyfriend. She wasn't going to understand this at all and he knew she would hate him.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I had found 2 bunks...if that's what you could call the bed we would be sleeping on. They were just a piece of board with a small mat. I saw Curtis come walking through the crowd without Brandon.

"Curtis?" I asked and she shook his head as my eyes filled with tears.

"He shoved me on the train and told me to take care of you." Curtis said and I started crying.

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