Speak Now - Chris Evans

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"This is a mistake, I shouldn't be here." I said as I walked into the church of a wedding with my friends.

"Come on, it's just a wedding." My friend Lindsay said and I groaned as we took our seats in a pew near the front of the small church in our hometown of Boston. I sat wringing my hands.

"They will not be happy I'm here, especially her." I said.

"Stop, he wanted you here. He told all of us he kept wanting to invite you but she wouldn't allow it." Kenzie said and I sighed.

"I just want to go." I said and went to stand up and they both grabbed my arms and pulled me back down to sit.

"Stop, you are being a big baby. Can you be an adult and just watch a friend of ours get married?" Kenzie asked and I sighed.

"He is a friend to you both, he was more than that to me. I mean I saw the man naked." I said a little louder than expected and the row of people in front of us looked back at me.

"We were together when it happened. Turn around." I said. Lindsay and Kenzie shook their head but hid their laughter.

"Okay, I have to go to the ladies room, can I do that?" I asked and they sighed and let me out of my seat. I walked towards the restroom and I passed the bridal suite and the door was cracked opened.

"What do you mean she is here?!" I heard a screechy voice say and I knew it was Stephanie, the bride.

"I saw her walk in with his friends Lindsay and Kenzie." I heard another voice say and I knew it was her sister Christy.

"She can't be here, he see's her, it will ruin everything." Stephanie said and I sighed knowing she was talking about me.

"He loves you Steph, he proposed to you. He has been over her for 2 years." Christy said and I rolled my eyes. I walked further down the hall not wanting to hear any more of the horrific conversation and I passed the room the groomsmen were in.

"Hey, guess who came with Kenzie and Lindsay?" I heard his brother Scott say. I sighed. Great so word was getting around like wildfire at this wedding.

"Who?" Chris asked and my stomach instantly ached.

"Addie." Scott said.

"Addie's here?" Chris asked and I heard the tone of his voice and I knew it was a mistake to come. There was still love in his voice after 2 years apart. It was just supposed to be a simple break that lead to him finding Stephanie while filming a movie. I rushed into the ladies room to calm down.

"Addie?" I heard a voice ask and I looked in the mirror and saw Chris's mom Lisa.

"Hey." I said and she hugged me.

"I am so happy you came. Chris will be happy you are here too." Lisa said and I sighed as I shook my head.

"I shouldn't be here but Lindsay and Kenzie brought me." I said and she smiled and placed a hand on my cheek.

"I'm happy they did sweetie. This should be you and Chris." Lisa and I sighed

"This is how it was meant to be." I said and Lisa just shook her head.

"Make sure to say hi to everyone in the family." She said and I nodded and she left the bathroom. I stood there calming myself down and then headed back to my seat.

"You were gone awhile." Lindsay said.

"Yeah well I was about to listen in at the bridal suite and the grooms room as it made the rounds that I am here then I ran into Lisa in the restroom." I said and they groaned.

"You okay?" Kenzie asked as music started to play. I saw Chris and the groomsmen come walking out and he made eye contact with me and I gave him a small smile. I then saw the bridesmaids start walking down the aisle.

"Does she seriously have 10 bridesmaids?" I whispered to Kenzie and she hid her laugh.

"Everyone please stand." The preacher said and we all stood up. The double doors opened and they revealed Stephanie in this huge princess style dress.

"Hello 100 pounds of crinoline. He is never going to find her under all of that." I said and Lindsay hit me in my back. Stephanie looked and saw me giving me a sneer and I groaned.

"You all may be seated." The preacher said.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...." The preacher started off the ceremony and I noticed Chris kept looking back at me and groaned.

"He needs to stop, he is marrying her, he proposed and chose her." I said and Kenzie took my hand.

"We know sweetie." Kenzie said. I zoned out most of the ceremony. I zoned back in when I heard the preacher speak up loudly.

"If there is anyone here who can show just cause why these two should not be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace." He said. Lindsay and Kenzie looked at each other. I moved to stand.

"Don't." Lindsay groaned. I didn't listen and I looked at Chris as he looked at me as did Stephanie. Everyone in attendance gasped then went into stunned silence. My legs and hands started shaking.

"Oh thank god." I heard Lisa and Scott both say. I keep my eyes locked on Chris's though.

"I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion but you are not the kind of guy who should be marrying the wrong girl." I said and Chris just looked at me. I saw her mother and father stand up.

"We think you should leave. Now!" They said and I looked at Chris.

"Chris, think about this okay! Just think this through!" I said as the ushers they had standing at the doors came over and escorted me out of the church while Lindsay and Kenzie sat in shock. I walked out of the church with tears in my eyes and reached my car. I got in and placed my forehead on the steering wheel and started crying.

"I was a complete idiot." I said. I heard the passenger door open and I looked up to see Chris getting in the car.

"Not an idiot. A Savior." Chris said and cupped my face and passionately kissed me. I noticed he was in his tux and there were people following him out of the church.

"Let's get out of here!" Chris said.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Anywhere you go is good enough for me." Chris said and passionately kissed me again and we drove off. 

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