How It Ended - PT.3 How It Started - Lloyd Hansen

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I was sitting at the window a few weeks later going over something in my head and sighed when I heard the door open

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I was sitting at the window a few weeks later going over something in my head and sighed when I heard the door open.

"He wants to see you." I heard the guard say. I got up and walked with him down to a room Lloyd was standing in with TV monitors and techs on computers. They all looked at me but I just looked at Lloyd.

"Boss." The guard said and Lloyd at me. He nodded at the guard and then walked over to me when the guard left. Once no one was looking Lloyd smacked me across my face.

"That's not refusing to come to my bed last night." Lloyd said and I gripped my cheek as my eyes filled with tears. I snapped my head back to look at him.

"I didn't think you would want me throwing up all over you. I don't feel well. I need to see a doctor." I said and Lloyd shook his head.

"It's the flu, it's going around, you're fine. I will get you something to take." Lloyd said and I sighed.

"Do you think we could maybe go outside and I could get some fresh air. That might help." I said and Lloyd growled but knew I was making a good point.

"I'll see if the guards can take you." Lloyd said and I hung my head. "What?!" Lloyd asked.

"I wanted you to go with me. I thought we could walk the maze together. Just us." I said. "Maybe get lost in the maze...I can make up for last night." I whispered the last part in his ear and as started rubbing his cock through his pants and he growled.

"Give me 20 minutes. I will meet you in at the entrance of the maze." Lloyd said and I smiled. Before walked away from him I handed him something and he grinned at me wickedly.

"You always like me without panties right?" I asked and pulled me into a passionate but rough kiss.

"20 minutes kitten." Lloyd said and then he walked me over to a guard.

"She is to wait for me at the entrance to the maze." Lloyd said and the guard nodded as we headed outside.


Lloyd walked up 20 minutes later and I smiled. He looked at the guard.

"Take a break. We are walking this alone." Lloyd said and the guard looked at him concerned. "It's fine, she can't and wont hurt me." Lloyd said and I smiled at the guard looking innocent. The guard walked away as Lloyd and I headed into the maze. He walked behind me wrapping his arms around me and we walked like that.

"No wanting to lose you in here." Lloyd said and I laughed. I turned my head and kissed him.

-Play the part Raina, just a little while longer.- my mind was telling me.

Lloyd finally let me go and walked beside me. Once we got the center I saw another fountain and smiled. I grabbed Lloyds hand and forcing him to sit on the edge. He smiled when I straddled him. He placed his hands on my hips and dug his fingers in.

"Right here?" Lloyd asked.

"You nervous about doing it outside Hansen?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Never." He as he bucked his hips up and I moaned. I needed to keep a level head. I loosed his pants and pulled him out. I slide down on him and started riding him.

-Keep to the plan Raina-

As I was riding him I easily grabbed his gun from the back of his pants and smiled when he didn't even noticed I then grabbed something from in down the front of my shirt that he didn't even notice in my cleavage. Lloyds eyes were closed enjoying the movements.

"Look at me Lloyd." I said and opened his eyes as I sprayed him in the eyes with the pepper spray. He groaned grabbing his eyes pushing me off of him. I got up quickly and sprayed him again.

"You fucking bitch!" Lloyd yelled. He went to charge me but with not being able to see he missed and ran into a statue that was in the center of the maze and fell over. I walked over to him and smiled seeing him in pain.

"You are a fucking disgusting asshole. I'm tired of being your plaything." I said and knocked him out with the butt of the gun and then panicked. I needed to go. I pulled the hand drawn map from my bra and started to head out of the maze. Once out I looked around and saw no guards or anything but the woods on the other side of the fence. I sighed and ran to the fence, quickly and quietly climbed it and made a run for it unsure of what kind of head start I was going to have.


*****PRESENT DAY*****

Once I got away from Lloyd and knew I was somewhat safe for at least a few days I went to the doctor since I was still sick. That was when I found out I was going to have a constant reminder of Lloyd always with me. I was 3 months pregnant when I got away from Lloyd. Running while pregnant was never easy but was worse when I gave birth to my son. That was when I found this shack I was now living in. Dylan, my son, would never know his father. He was now 3 months old and damnit it he didn't look like Lloyd. Lloyd could never know about my son, our son, his son. I had no clue what he would even do finding this information out. I checked on Dylan once the sitter left and I smiled to see him asleep.

"Mommas sweet boy." I whispered. I sat in the chair next to his bassinet and started to doze off. I was awoken later by something knocking down the door and looked up to the door and instantly panicked.

"Hey pumpkin...miss me?!" Lloyd sneered at me. Lloyd walked over to me and I backed away from him as he approached me and he held me against the wall by my throat.

"I have searched this world looking for you. You just had to come back to the states. Going from my place to this little shack in the woods...big step-down kitten." Lloyd said and I tried breaking his hold on my throat.

"Lloyd...please...." I gasped out, he smirked and gripped tighter.

"Why shouldn't I kill you for running?" Lloyd asked as I heard Dylan start crying and Lloyd, in shock at the noise released me and I rushed over to Dylan.

"This is why." I said picked up Dylan. Lloyd looked at me stunned.

"Pumpkin...don't tell me..." Lloyd said.

"Your son Lloyd, Lloyd meet Dylan. The only good thing you ever gave me." I said 

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