If You See Him, If You See Her - Steve Rogers

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I was sitting in a small coffee shop reading a book when someone walked up to my table

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I was sitting in a small coffee shop reading a book when someone walked up to my table.

"Sage?" I heard him say my name and I looked up with a huge smile once I saw who it was.

"Bucky!" I said and stood up hugging him. I sat back down and motioned for Bucky to join me.

"Hey, it's been a while." Bucky said and I sighed and looked down at my now closed book.

"5 months Bucky, you can say how long it's been." I said and he sighed.

"I just wasn't sure how you were. How are you doing with it?" Bucky asked. I took a deep shaky breath.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell. I still miss him more than ever." I said and Bucky sighed.

"Hasn't gotten any better?" Bucky asked and I shook my head.

"I still need him. I think somewhere deep inside I think I always will. I don't know why we let each other go." I said and Bucky placed a hand on top of mine on the table.

"Sage, if he was here what would you tell him?" Bucky asked.

"Oh, come on Bucky, don't do this." I said.

"Humor me."

"Nothing's changed, deep down the fire still burns for him. And even if it takes forever, I'll still be here. Also, I would tell him I wish him well, if he is happy." I said. I wiped away the stray tear flowing down my face and sighed. I looked at the time.

"Shit, I'm going to be late getting to work. It was great to see you Bucky." I said and he smiled. I stood up and started to walk away. "Oh, and Bucky?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Whatever I just told you, can you please keep it between us and not tell Steve?" I said and he sighed but nodded.

"Of course, Sage." Bucky said and I walked out rushing to get to work.


I sat there thinking about everything that had just been told to me by the girl my best friend loved with all his heart. They tried making it work, it just wasn't working. He was always leaving to save the world leaving her there holding everything else in their life in her hands.

Steve would never commit, and Sage finally had enough and just told Steve to make a choice. Her or being Captain America. Steve being an idiot said he would always have to be Captain America so Sage left. She moved from the compound, and we never saw her again.

I just sat there thinking when I felt someone come up behind me and then take the chair across from me.

"Hey, I hope you haven't been waiting long." Steve said sitting down and I shook my head.

"No, I just got here." I said and Steve nodded. Steve then seemed to sense something, and I looked at him oddly. "What?" I asked.

"I just smell a perfume scent I always loved." Steve said and dropped his head.

"Sage wore it didn't she?" I asked and Steve nodded. "Steve, it's been 5 months and you're miserable. Find her and tell her you made a mistake." I said and Steve shook his head.

"I don't think she will feel the same way. What if she moved on to someone else?" Steve asked.

"And what if she hasn't and is just as miserable as you are?! You will never know unless you find her." I said and Steve just shook his head.

"Okay yes, I think of her from time to time and I know where I went wrong. I just feel like such an idiot." Steve said and I nodded.

"You're right, you should feel like an idiot. Now Let me ask you something. If she was here right now, what would you say to her? Get her back or not just your feelings." I said and Steve groaned and thought about it for a minute before speaking up.

"I would tell her the truth and say I still want her, I don't know why we let each other go. I would tell her the light's still on for her. And even if it takes forever, say I'll still be here. Then I would add but if she is happy then I'm doing fine." Steve explained and I sighed.

"Steve, I think you should know -..." I started to say, and Steve held up his hand stopping me.

"Buck, I know I was an idiot to let her leave me, but I don't want to hear what you are about to say. Especially if it's about Sage. Can we just get some coffee please?" Steve asked and I groaned but nodded.

"Yeah, let's get some coffee." I said and we went up to the counter to order.

Steve and I got our coffee, and we were talking outside the coffee shop, and he sighed.

"You know everything I told you in there is confidential. If you were to ever see Sage don't tell her how I feel. It stays between us." Steve said and I sighed.

"I know Steve, trust me, I know."

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I walked back into my bedroom and the compound and flopped down on the bed next to my girlfriend Natasha Romanoff.

"Coffee with Steve go that bad?" Nat asked with a laugh. I looked at her.

"I ran into Sage." I said and Nat looked at me in shock.

"With Steve?!"

"No, before he got there. She was sitting reading a book." I said.

"What happened?" Nat asked.

"We talked, long story short she misses Steve, she wants him back." I said and Nat got super excited.

"Okay so what did Steve say when you told him?" Nat asked.

"She asked me not to." I said and Nat groaned.

"Well, when Steve got there, he smelled her perfume lingering and he started talking about how much of an idiot he was, and he missed her too." I explained.

"So, call Sage and tell her!" Nat said.

"I can't I promised Steve, I wouldn't tell her if I saw her." I said and Nat smacked me upside the head. "Hey!" I said annoyed.

"Damnit Bucky, they need to know!" Nat said and I sighed.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"I have a plan. I think it's time Tony throw a party." Nat said, giving me a kiss and leaving the room.

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"Why am I here Nat?" I asked walking out of her room at the compound after getting ready for a Tony Stark party.

"Because everyone misses you, Tony invited you and Steve isn't here." Nat said and I sighed.

"So, it's safe?" I asked and she nodded and linked my arm in hers.

"Safe. No Steve run ins." Nat said and as we headed down to the party.

After mingling and having a good time for a while I needed some air, so I took a chance to sneak off to the little secret passageway to the roof. Once I opened the door, I saw him standing there.

"Steve." I said and he turned around to see me.

"Sage." Steve said. I sighed and looked at the ground.

"I was told you weren't here, I'm going to go." I said and went to leave.

"No! Please don't. I think we should talk." Steve said and I turned to look at him. "I know where I went wrong Sage and I want to make it right. I still want you." Steve said.

"And I still need you." I said rushing him and passionately kissing him. Once we broke apart Steve placed a hand on my cheek.

"I need you back Sagey." Steve said and I smiled at him.

"That's all you had to say Steve." I said and he leaned down and kissed me again.

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