A Day at the Park Part 2 - Chris Evans

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It was a few days after the coffee shop when Chris and I exchanged numbers

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It was a few days after the coffee shop when Chris and I exchanged numbers. We had been texting back and forth and he even surprised me and went running with me yesterday. Well, he rollerbladed and I ran. He didn't bring Dodger with him in fear he would trip me again.

I was sitting at my desk working when a text came through my phone.

Chris: So, Dodger and I are hanging out in the backyard, and he keeps asking about you...

I smiled shaking my head.

Venus: Is he now? And what about his owner? 😉

Chris: He wouldn't mind seeing you either.

This flirting had been going on for the past couple days since we were at the coffee house, and he held my hand halfway through the date.

Venus: Let me finish what I'm doing, and I will be over to make Dodger happy.

Chris: And his owner too...I'll send you the address, just buzz the gate when you get here.

Venus: Will do.

I finished working on the website I had started and then decided I should go to Chris's house. I wasn't sure what to wear. I wanted to look nice but not like I was trying too hard.

I walked into my closet and found my large white cable knit sweater, black leggings and a pair of converse. I did some makeup and put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed up my keys and everything to head to his house. I had butterflies in my stomach flying the entire time. I knew I had been hanging out with this man, but this was the first time we would be alone and not in a public setting. Once I arrived at his house, I was scared to open my mouth thinking I might vomit.

~Relax Venus! You have seen him before, you have been hanging out, hell you went running together. He is just a guy, you told him this before. Just calm down and have a good time.~

I buzzed the gate, and the speaker came to life.

"Yeah?" I hard Chris ask but I heard the Boston accent come out strong and even in my car I had to clench my legs together.

"Yeah, it's the girl you and your dog ran down a few days ago, I'm here with my lawsuit." I said with a smile, and I heard Chris laugh. The gate started to open, and I drove through following the driveway. I parked my car and then walked to the front door as it opened.

"Look at you, a female Ransom Drysdale." Chris said and I looked down at my outfit and laughed.

"I didn't even think." I said and he smiled as I approached him and he hugged me, which I accepted. We walked in and I looked around.

"So where is the little fur monster who tried to kill me?" I asked and Chris laughed. He subtly took a hold of my hand by interlacing our fingers. I smiled as the feeling as we walked through his house, and he grabbed the bag of treats from the counter. We walked outside and I saw Dodger running around the backyard.

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